Bitget App
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Sign up now! Get an airdrop of up to 50 BGB!

Sign up now! Get an airdrop of up to 50 BGB!
We are holding a limited-time New User Airdrop event!
New users who complete registration during the event will get 10 ~ 50 BGB airdrop rewards!
Event duration: March 23, 2023, 17:00 – April 6, 2023 , 17:00(UTC+8)
Reward Details:
  1. Requirements to claim rewards: (1) Sign up as a new user, then register for the event with your primary account (2) Complete KYC.
  2. Event prize pool: 500,000 BGB. Sorted by time of registration, limited to participants who register before the cutoff.
  3. This event is not applicable to regions such as India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Africa, Pakistan, Turkey, and Russia.
  4. Rewards will be distributed within seven working days after the event ends.
  5. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users that perform wash trading, bulk registration of accounts, and trades that display attributes of self-dealing, or m arket manipulation.
  6. Accounts with the same IP address will not be eligible for rewards.
  7. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to amending, changing, or canceling the event without prior notice. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own risk.