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Bitget Bites (February 16, 2023)

Bitget Bites (February 16, 2023)

2023-02-16 | 5m

As of 3:30 AM (UTC),

The Global Market Cap: US$1.12 Trillion (+8.74%)

24-hour Volume: US$71.57 Billion (+22.67%)

Fear Greed Index: 62/Greed (Up From 53/Neutral)

Spot Market Updates

Major cryptocurrencies:



24h High

24h Low

Price Change

Bitcoin (BTC)





Ethereum (ETH)





Bitget Token (BGB)





Top 3 Gainers:



24h High

24h Low

Price Change


No. 1






Platform, NFT, Metaverse

No. 2







No. 3






GameFi, Meme, Metaverse

Bitget Bites (February 16, 2023) image 0

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Futures Market Updates

As of 3:30 AM (UTC),

Crypto Futures Open Interest: $4.00 Billion (+19.12%)

Bitcoin Futures Market:

BTC Futures Open Interest: $2.69 Billion (+17.85%)

BTC Open Interest Dominance: 67.31%

Bitcoin Volume (24H): $301,180.16 (+33.21%)

Funding Rate: 0.0000%

BTC Long/Short Ratio: 51.14%/48.86%

Bitget Bites (February 16, 2023) image 1

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Editor's note:

As the crypto market goes into a bull run, we've reworked our daily report, Bitget Bites, into a more concise format and redesigned all visuals.

We have now included the Fear Greed Index from DropsTab and added quite a few stocks ETFs in the last section.

Our Long ETFs include the following tickers: ARKW, SPBC, BITQ, BTF, XBTF, BITS, SATO, and BLKC.

Our Mining Stocks include: RIOT, MARA, CAN, HUT, and CIFR.

BITO is now listed separately alongside BITI since they are essentially two sides of the same coin.

Several major crypto players are also included: GBTC, COIN, SI, and MSTR.

Hope you find this new version of Bitget Bites interesting and informative. Happy crypto trading!

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