Register at Bitget Now & Claim Your $1,000 Reward!
As a world-leading cryptocurrency exchange and growing power in financial innovations, Bitget offers rewards galore for our new traders. As of now, you can register and get our 1,000 USDT reward with just a few steps!
How do I get them?
It’s as simple as it gets. Register now, set your email and password, and that’s it!
You will be welcomed with a prompt of all the rewards you will get - 4 spot trading fee discount coupons of 1,000 USDT in total:
Quantity |
Value (in USDT) |
Fee Discount |
Valid In |
1 |
50 |
50% |
30 days |
1 |
50 |
30% |
30 days |
1 |
300 |
20% |
30 days |
1 |
600 |
10% |
30 days |
You can also check these coupons and their balances on your Coupons page.
How do I use them?
Simple. These coupons will automatically be applied for fee deduction on all your spot trading orders on Bitget.
For example, the first coupon on our list will be a 50 USDT one at a 50% discount. When you buy some Bitcoin and incur 10 USDT in trading fees, you only need to pay 50% while the other 50% (5 USDT) is deducted from your coupon, leaving it with a 45 USDT balance. Your deductible trading fees can not exceed the remaining balance of your first applicable coupon.
Note that all coupons are valid for a limited time so remember to place your orders in time!
Register now, claim your $1,000 reward, and explore the wonderful world of crypto social trading at Bitget!