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Isolated-Margin Orders Channel


Request Example


Request Parameters

subscribe Subscribe
unsubscribe Unsubscribe
argsList<Object>YesList of channels to request subscription
> instTypeStringYesProduct type
> channelStringYesChannel name
> instIdStringYesProduct ID
Response Example

Response Parameters

argObjectSubscribed channels
> instTypeStringProduct type
> channelStringChannel name
> instIdStringProduct ID
codeStringError code, returned only on error
msgStringError message
Push Data

Push Data Parameters

argObjectSuccessful channel subscriptions
> instTypeStringProduct type
> channelStringChannel name
> instIdStringProduct ID e.g. ETHUSDT
actionStringPush data action, snapshot or update
dataList<Object>Subscribed data
> baseSizeStringNumber of base coins
> cTimeStringTime of order
> clientOidStringClient Unique Identifier
> fillPriceStringSale price
> baseVolumeStringBase coin quantity
> fillTotalAmountStringsum of money sold
> loanTypeStringMargin order model
normal: place a normal order
autoLoan place an order with auto-borrow
autoRepay place an order with auto-repay
autoLoanAndRepay place an order with auto-borrow and auto-repay
> orderIdStringOrder ID
> orderTypeStringOrder type
limit: limit price
market: market price
> priceStringOrder price
> quoteSizeStringNumber of denominated coins
> sideStringMethods of Sale and Purchase
> feeDetailList<Object>Transaction fee of the order
  >> deductionStringIs discount
  >> totalDeductionFeeStringFee of discount
  >> totalFeeStringOrder transaction fee, the transaction fee charged by the platform from the user.
  >> feeCoinStringThe currency of the transaction fee
> enterPointSourceStringOrder source
WEB: Orders created on the website
API: Orders created on API
SYS: System managed orders, usually generated by forced liquidation logic
ANDROID: Orders created on the Android app
IOS: Orders created on the iOS app
> statusStringOrder status
> symbolStringTrading pair
> forceStringOrder Strategy
> stpModeStringSTP Mode
none not setting STP
cancel_taker cancel taker order
cancel_maker cancel maker order
cancel_both cancel both of taker and maker orders
tsLongTimestamp ms

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