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Get Symbol Info

Frequency limit: 20 times/1s (IP)


Get spot trading pair information,supporting both individual and full queries

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/public/symbols
Request Example
curl ""

Request Parameters

symbolStringNotrading pair name, e.g. BTCUSDT
If the field is left blank, all trading pair information will be returned by default
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695808949356,
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"baseCoin": "BTC",
"quoteCoin": "USDT",
"minTradeAmount": "0.0001",
"maxTradeAmount": "10000",
"takerFeeRate": "0.001",
"makerFeeRate": "0.001",
"pricePrecision": "4",
"quantityPrecision": "8",
"minTradeUSDT": "5",
"status": "online",
"buyLimitPriceRatio": "0.05",
"sellLimitPriceRatio": "0.05",
"orderQuantity": "100",
"areaSymbol": "no"

Response Parameters

symbolStringTrading pair
baseCoinStringBase currency, e.g. "BTC" in the pair "BTCUSDT".
quoteCoinStringQuoting currency, e.g. "USDT" in the trading pair "BTCUSDT".
minTradeAmountStringMinimum order
maxTradeAmountStringMaximum order
takerFeeRateStringDefault taker transaction fee, can be overridden by individual transaction fee
makerFeeRateStringDefault maker transaction fee, can be overridden by individual transaction fee
pricePrecisionStringPricing precision
quantityPrecisionStringAmount precision
quotePrecisionStringQuote coin precision
minTradeUSDTStringMinimum trading volume (USDT)
statusStringSymbol status
offline: offline
gray: grey scale
online: normal
halt: suspend trading
buyLimitPriceRatioStringPercentage spread between bid and ask, in decimal form
E.g. 0.05 means 5%
sellLimitPriceRatioStringPercentage spread between sell and current price, in decimal form
E.g. 0.05 means 5%
orderQuantityStringThe maximum number of orders allowed for the current symbol
areaSymbolStringArea symbol
yes, no

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