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Buy ASTO & IQ using credit/debit card with zero fees

Bitget Announcement2024/02/26 07:16

Starting today, users can enjoy fee-free ASTO & IQ purchases with a credit/debit card for 7 days! Supported fiat: EUR, CHF, AUD, USD, TRY and more (140+ fiat currencies).

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Take advantage of our weekly 0-fees promotions, including Flash Wednesday and Weekend 48-hour offer to buy BTC, USDT, BGB, ETH, USDC, XRP, SEI, CYBER, PEPE1, SOL, DOGE, PYUSD, LTC, BNB, ADA, TRX, MATIC, AVAX, BIGTIME, LINK, NERD, MEMECOIN, TIA, ORDI, GAS, DCK, LUNA, UNI, APT, ACE, NFP, XPET, AI, RUNE, MANTA, JUP, $ALT, ZETA, PIXEL, DIMO, VMINT, OLAS, ASTO, IQ and STRK with a credit or debit card!

Getting started:

How to complete identity verification?

How to buy crypto using credit/debit card?

How to buy crypto using fiat currency?

Note: These features are provided on Bitget through the services of third-party partners that Bitget works with from time to time and are not provided by Bitget directly. Please note that transactions are conducted locally, and there is no international money transfer involved. Please refer to our Registration Guidelines for further information.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.

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