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Magic Crystal (MC) will be listed on Bitget. Come and grab a share of 12,771 MC!

Bitget Announcement2024/03/20 11:00
By:Bitget Announcement

Activity 1: Join CandyBomb to earn 8,571 MC! Promotion period: 11:00, 21st Mar - 11:00, 28th Mar (UTC) CandyBomb – Magic Crystal (MC) promotion details: MC amount USDT net deposit pool 5,700 MC MC net deposit pool 1,400 MC MC spot trading pool 1,200 MC Invitation pool 271 MC Total 8,571 MC How to p

Activity 1: Join CandyBomb to earn 8,571 MC!
Promotion period: 11:00, 21st Mar - 11:00, 28th Mar (UTC)
CandyBomb – Magic Crystal (MC) promotion details:
MC amount
USDT net deposit pool
5,700 MC
MC net deposit pool
1,400 MC
MC spot trading pool
1,200 MC
Invitation pool
271 MC
8,571 MC
How to participate: Complete USDT net depost, MC net deposit, MC spot trading and invitation tasks to get reward tickets.
Activity 2: Subscribe to MC Earn products to enjoy up to 30% APY
Subscribe to the featured MC Earn products to enjoy up to 30% APY. Join in once the product is available, you don’t want to miss out!
Activity 3: Trade and grab a share of 4,200 MC
Use the Register Now button to participate:
Promotion period: March 21, 11:00 – March 28, 11:00 (UTC)
During the promotion period, the first 1,400 users who achieve a spot trading volume of 100 USDT in MC/USDT pairs will receive 3 MC each.
*MC spot trading volume = MC buys + MC sells.
Terms and conditions
  1. Participants must complete registration and KYC verification to be eligible for rewards.
  2. Rewards will be distributed to the winners' spot accounts within seven working days after the end of the promotion.
  3. Market maker accounts are not eligible for the promotion.
  4. Only main accounts are eligible for the promotion. Any sub-accounts participating in this promotion will be disqualified and will not be distributed with any rewards.
  5. All participants must strictly comply with Bitget's terms and conditions.
  6. In case of cheating or using multiple accounts for rewards, or other violations, Bitget reserves the right to disqualify the users involved and forfeit their rewards.
  7. Bitget reserves the right to amend or revise the terms of this promotion, or cancel it at any time without prior notice at its sole discretion.
  8. Bitget reserves the right of final decision for this promotion. Contact customer servDEPD if you have any questions.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite their high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own risk.
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Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.

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