PANews reported on May 23 that Layer 2 developer StarkWare, in collaboration with Cartridge, has launched a new extension framework called ZKThreads. This framework aims to enhance the scalability of decentralized applications on the Layer 2 network Starknet through execution sharding enabled by zero-knowledge proofs. This initiative is based on StarkWare's sharding extension vision introduced in 2021.

StarkWare stated that ZKThreads will be used to expand Starknet's "sharding extension" solution series, providing an alternative to existing ZK coprocessors that operate in a similar manner. Although the current coprocessors are effective, they typically run independently, leading to fragmented liquidity and reduced interoperability between applications. The launch of ZKThreads aims to address these fragmentation issues by offering a standardized development environment that supports provable applications. The execution sharding of ZKThreads applications will efficiently handle different parts of network transactions or computations while maintaining security through zero-knowledge proofs. This setup ensures that blockchain decentralized applications can scale effectively by distributing computational and transactional loads without compromising the network's decentralization or security.

The framework will also be available alongside Layer 3 chains within the Starknet ecosystem. These Layer 3 chains support the scaling of dApps that require fully customizable control, while ZKThreads is designed for more flexible scaling—ensuring activity at every step by allowing direct fallback to the base layer. Its goal is to enhance the composability, security, and interoperability of ecosystem dApps.