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Preço de catchcoin

Preço de catchcoinCATCH

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Preço de catchcoin hoje

O preço em tempo real do token catchcoin é de $0.01275 por (CATCH / USD). Sua capitalização de mercado atual é de $0.00 USD. Seu volume de trading em 24 horas é de $845.38 USD. O preço de CATCH em USD atualizado em tempo real. catchcoin variou 4.91% nas últimas 24 horas. Sua oferta circulante atual é de 0 .

Qual é o preço mais alto do token CATCH?

CATCH tem uma máxima histórica de $0.07386, registrada em 2024-04-27.

Qual é o preço mais baixo do token CATCH?

CATCH tem uma mínima histórica (ATL) de $0.003230, registrada em 2024-09-18.
Calcular o lucro de catchcoin

Previsão de preço do token catchcoin

Qual é o melhor momento para comprar CATCH? Devo comprar ou vender CATCH agora?

Antes de comprar ou vender CATCH, avalie suas estratégias de trading. As atividades dos traders de longo e curto prazo também podem apresentar diferenças. A análise técnica de Análise técnica de CATCH na Bitget na Bitget pode fornecer referências de trading.
De acordo com a análise técnica de CATCH em 4 horas, o sinal de trading é Compra forte.
De acordo com Análise técnica de CATCH em 1 dia, o sinal de trading é Compra.
De acordo com Análise técnica de CATCH em 1 semana, o sinal de trading é Compra forte.

Qual será o preço do token CATCH em 2025?

Com base no modelo de previsão do desempenho histórico de preços de CATCH, estima-se que o preço de CATCH atinja $0.02598 em 2025.

Qual será o preço do token CATCH em 2030?

Em 2030, espera-se que o preço de CATCH varie em +1.00%. Ao final de 2030, estima-se que o preço de CATCH atinja $0.05047, com um ROI acumulado de +386.80%.

Histórico de preços de catchcoin (USD)

O preço de catchcoin variou -83.39% no último ano. O preço mais alto de em USD no último ano foi $0.07386 e o preço mais baixo de em USD no último ano foi $0.003230.
PeríodoVariação de preço (%)Variação de preço (%)Preço mais baixoO preço mais baixo de {0} no período correspondente.Preço mais alto Preço mais alto
Todo o período-91.84%$0.003230(2024-09-18, 71 dia(s) atrás )$0.07386(2024-04-27, 215 dia(s) atrás )

Informações de mercado de catchcoin

Capitalização de mercado
Capitalização de mercado totalmente diluída
Volume em 24h
Classificação de mercado
Porcentagem em circulação
Volume em 24h / capitalização de mercado
Oferta circulante
Oferta total / Oferta máxima
89,800,000 CATCH
90,000,000 CATCH
Compre catchcoin agora

Avaliações de catchcoin

Avaliações médias da comunidade
100 avaliações
Este conteúdo é apenas para fins informativos.

Como comprar catchcoin(CATCH)

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Compre catchcoin (CATCH)

Compre catchcoin (CATCH)

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Notícias sobre catchcoin

Comunicado Bitget: manutenção do par de trading spot CATCH/USDT
Comunicado Bitget: manutenção do par de trading spot CATCH/USDT

Durante o período de manutenção e atualização de CATCH/USDT em 30 de maio (UTC), as operações do par ficarão suspensas na Bitget. As operações serão retomadas após a conclusão da manutenção. Acompanhe os comunicados oficiais. Caso esse processo leve mais tempo devido a fatores como alta volatilidad

Bitget Announcement2024-05-30 10:10
Comunicado Bitget: suspensão dos serviços de depósitos de CATCH-Arbitrum One
Comunicado Bitget: suspensão dos serviços de depósitos de CATCH-Arbitrum One

Visando oferecer uma melhor experiência de trading, a Bitget suspenderá os serviços de depósitos de CATCH-Arbitrum One, a partir de 30 de maio (UTC) até uma data posterior. As transações não serão afetadas durante o período de suspensão. Notificaremos a comunidade oficial e faremos um comunicado qu

Bitget Announcement2024-05-30 00:10
Mais atualizações sobre catchcoin

Perguntas frequentes

Qual é o preço atual de catchcoin?

O preço em tempo real de catchcoin é $0.01 por (CATCH/USD), com uma capitalização de mercado atual de $0 USD. O valor de catchcoin sofre oscilações frequentes devido às atividades 24h do mercado de criptomoedas. O preço atual e os dados históricos de catchcoin estão disponíveis na Bitget.

Qual é o volume de trading em 24 horas de catchcoin?

Nas últimas 24 horas, o volume de trading de catchcoin foi $845.38.

Qual é o recorde histórico de catchcoin?

A máxima histórica de catchcoin é $0.07386. Essa máxima histórica é o preço mais alto para catchcoin desde que foi lançado.

Posso comprar catchcoin na Bitget?

Sim, atualmente, catchcoin está disponível na Bitget. Para informações detalhadas, confira nosso guia Como comprar .

É possível obter lucros constantes ao investir em catchcoin?

Claro, a Bitget fornece uma plataforma de trading estratégico com robôs de trading para automatizar suas operações e aumentar seus lucros.

Onde posso comprar catchcoin com a menor taxa?

Temos o prazer de anunciar que a plataforma de trading estratégico já está disponível na corretora da Bitget. A Bitget é líder de mercado no que diz respeito a taxas de trading e profundidade, o que garante investimentos lucrativos para os traders.

Onde posso comprar catchcoin (CATCH)?

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Os investimentos em criptomoedas, incluindo a compra de catchcoin na Bitget, estão sujeitos a risco de mercado. A Bitget fornece maneiras fáceis e convenientes para você comprar catchcoin. Fazemos o possível para informar totalmente nossos usuários sobre cada criptomoeda que oferecemos na corretora. No entanto, não somos responsáveis ​​pelos resultados que possam advir da sua compra catchcoin. Esta página e qualquer informação incluída não são um endosso de investimento ou a nenhuma criptomoeda em particular.




1 CATCH = 0.01275 USD
A Bitget oferece as menores taxas de transação do mercado. Quanto mais alto for seu nível VIP, melhores serão as taxas.

Recursos de CATCH


catchcoin Websitecatchcoin Whitepapercatchcoin Twittercatchcoin Github

Bitget Insights

Day trading altcoins is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the same trading day. It requires constant monitoring of the market, quick decision-making, and a deep understanding of technical analysis. Key Strategies for Day Trading Altcoins: * Scalping: * Capitalizes on small price fluctuations. * Requires quick entry and exit points. * Relies heavily on technical analysis and market sentiment. * Momentum Trading: * Identifies and trades with the trend. * Focuses on high-volatility altcoins. * Requires precise timing to catch the peak of the trend. * Mean Reversion: * Exploits overbought and oversold conditions. * Buys when prices are low and sells when they are high. * Relies on technical indicators like RSI and MACD. Essential Tips for Successful Day Trading: * Develop a Solid Trading Plan: * Define your risk tolerance and investment goals. * Create a clear entry and exit strategy. * Stick to your plan and avoid impulsive decisions. * Master Technical Analysis: * Learn to read charts and interpret technical indicators. * Practice identifying patterns and trends. * Use tools like moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands. * Manage Your Risk: * Set stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. * Take profits at predetermined targets. * Avoid overtrading and risking more than you can afford to lose. * Stay Informed: * Keep up with market news and events. * Follow crypto influencers and analysts. * Use reliable news sources and social media platforms. * Practice Emotional Control: * Avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed. * Stay calm and focused, even during volatile market conditions. * Consider using automated trading tools to mitigate emotional biases. Remember: Day trading is highly speculative and can lead to significant losses. It's crucial to have a strong understanding of the market, risk management strategies, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions. Always do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Day Trading Altcoins: A High-Risk, High-Reward Strategy
Day trading altcoins is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the same trading day. It requires constant monitoring of the market, quick decision-making, and a deep understanding of technical analysis. Key Strategies for Day Trading Altcoins: * Scalping: * Capitalizes on small price fluctuations. * Requires quick entry and exit points. * Relies heavily on technical analysis and market sentiment. * Momentum Trading: * Identifies and trades with the trend. * Focuses on high-volatility altcoins. * Requires precise timing to catch the peak of the trend. * Mean Reversion: * Exploits overbought and oversold conditions. * Buys when prices are low and sells when they are high. * Relies on technical indicators like RSI and MACD. Essential Tips for Successful Day Trading: * Develop a Solid Trading Plan: * Define your risk tolerance and investment goals. * Create a clear entry and exit strategy. * Stick to your plan and avoid impulsive decisions. * Master Technical Analysis: * Learn to read charts and interpret technical indicators. * Practice identifying patterns and trends. * Use tools like moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands. * Manage Your Risk: * Set stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. * Take profits at predetermined targets. * Avoid overtrading and risking more than you can afford to lose. * Stay Informed: * Keep up with market news and events. * Follow crypto influencers and analysts. * Use reliable news sources and social media platforms. * Practice Emotional Control: * Avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed. * Stay calm and focused, even during volatile market conditions. * Consider using automated trading tools to mitigate emotional biases. Remember: Day trading is highly speculative and can lead to significant losses. It's crucial to have a strong understanding of the market, risk management strategies, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions. Always do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Improving efficiency through diversification, a working strategy? Is everything pumped up except what you're holding? This is a common picture, especially for people who like to keep their entire portfolio in a few coins with a high degree of confidence. For example, $GOAT is down 43%. If that's a significant portion of your positions, it would be extremely frustrating to see $XLM and $KSM 2x over the same period while your portfolio is down or flat. During these periods, random alts are pumped at random times. You can't pinpoint the timing. And if you only have 3.4 alts, you can become greedy and impatient. This will eventually break your psychology and lead to irrational behavior. Remember that many new traders lose money or get liquidated during the best days of a bull market. It seems completely unrealistic, but it happens. Just accept some losses, fomo, disappointment. There are two solutions: 1. Focus on positions with high chances of success, but be very patient for their time to come. It may not happen. Take the position. 2. Diversify more. Not to reduce risk, but to catch more random pumps. This will allow you to redistribute profits from those who are pumping to those who are not yet pumped. The recent events in $xlm $ksm $dot $jasmy $vet etc. tell you something important: In this market environment, fundamentals don't matter. Of course, this phase will not last for months, but in the current market realities, I believe this is a viable strategy.
Improving efficiency through diversification, a working strategy? Is everything pumped up except what you're holding? This is a common picture, especially for people who like to keep their entire portfolio in a few coins with a high degree of confidence. For example, $GOAT is down 43%. If that's a significant portion of your positions, it would be extremely frustrating to see $XLM and $KSM 2x over the same period while your portfolio is down or flat. During these periods, random alts are pumped at random times. You can't pinpoint the timing. And if you only have 3.4 alts, you can become greedy and impatient. This will eventually break your psychology and lead to irrational behavior. Remember that many new traders lose money or get liquidated during the best days of a bull market. It seems completely unrealistic, but it happens. Just accept some losses, fomo, disappointment. There are two solutions: 1. Focus on positions with high chances of success, but be very patient for their time to come. It may not happen. Take the position. 2. Diversify more. Not to reduce risk, but to catch more random pumps. This will allow you to redistribute profits from those who are pumping to those who are not yet pumped. The recent events in $xlm $ksm $dot $jasmy $vet etc. tell you something important: In this market environment, fundamentals don't matter. Of course, this phase will not last for months, but in the current market realities, I believe this is a viable strategy.
$PEPE Pepe (PEPE): The Unexpected Rise of a Meme Coin In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, meme coins have become an intriguing and often controversial category. Among the most notable is Pepe (PEPE), a meme-based cryptocurrency inspired by the infamous "Pepe the Frog" meme. Despite its origins as an internet joke, PEPE has experienced an unexpected rise, capturing the attention of retail investors and crypto enthusiasts alike. While many might see meme coins as fleeting trends, PEPE’s rapid growth suggests that there may be more to its story than just a meme. But how did this seemingly humorous token go from an internet joke to a legitimate digital asset in the cryptocurrency space? The Origins of Pepe the Frog Before diving into the rise of Pepe (PEPE) as a meme coin, it’s essential to understand the origins of Pepe the Frog, the meme behind it. Pepe the Frog was created in 2005 by cartoonist Matt Furie in his comic series Boys Club. The character quickly gained popularity on the internet, particularly on image boards like 4chan, where users adopted and adapted the meme in various contexts. Over the years, Pepe the Frog evolved from a relatively innocent cartoon character into a symbol used in countless internet memes, often representing a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, and everything in between. However, as the meme gained traction, it also became associated with controversial and, at times, politically charged content. Despite these associations, the character’s flexibility as a meme icon helped maintain its widespread appeal across internet culture, laying the groundwork for its transition into the world of cryptocurrency. The Birth of Pepe Coin (PEPE) Pepe the Frog’s transformation into a cryptocurrency token began in 2023 with the launch of Pepe (PEPE), a meme coin built on the Ethereum blockchain. The coin was created by an anonymous group of developers, and it quickly attracted attention due to its connection to the iconic meme. Much like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, PEPE was conceived as a fun and speculative digital asset, with no inherent technological advancements or utility at the outset. The idea behind Pepe (PEPE) was simple: to create a meme coin that capitalized on the popularity of Pepe the Frog and the broader trend of meme-based cryptocurrencies. Its branding and marketing leveraged the meme’s viral status, appealing to internet users who were already familiar with the character. Unlike established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, PEPE’s primary value proposition was its meme appeal, coupled with the idea that it could potentially become the next big “cult” cryptocurrency, similar to the rise of Dogecoin (DOGE). The Unexpected Rise of PEPE While meme coins have a history of sudden price surges fueled by social media hype and viral moments, Pepe (PEPE) exceeded expectations by gaining remarkable traction within a short period of time. From the moment it was launched, PEPE quickly captured the attention of crypto traders and retail investors who were eager to capitalize on the meme coin trend. Several factors contributed to the coin’s rapid rise in popularity: 1. Social Media and Viral Marketing The primary catalyst for PEPE’s rise has been the power of social media. Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram have become essential platforms for meme coin communities, where users can pump up the price of a particular coin by sharing memes, jokes, and videos that resonate with internet culture. In the case of PEPE, the meme’s ability to appeal to a broad and diverse audience helped it gain viral attention. Users began posting memes and jokes using the PEPE branding, further spreading the coin’s visibility. The Pepe meme’s widespread recognition made it an easy target for viral marketing campaigns, creating a buzz that fueled its growth. Investors, especially retail traders, often follow these viral trends, contributing to a surge in trading volume and price. 2. Community-Driven Culture Like many successful meme coins, Pepe (PEPE) is rooted in a strong, active, and enthusiastic community. The coin’s developers placed significant emphasis on building a decentralized, community-driven culture, allowing users to participate in the coin’s growth and promotion. Much like Dogecoin’s #DogeArmy, PEPE found success through the creation of an engaged following that regularly promotes the coin through online memes, viral challenges, and social media campaigns. This sense of ownership and participation helped the coin gain legitimacy within the meme coin space, fueling its ongoing growth. Community members see themselves as part of a larger movement rather than simply passive investors, which fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty to the coin. 3. Celebrity Endorsement and Media Attention As with many meme coins, Pepe (PEPE) gained further attention through celebrity endorsements and media coverage. While Elon Musk’s endorsement of Dogecoin has been widely credited with helping propel that coin into the mainstream, Pepe (PEPE) also attracted attention from prominent figures within the cryptocurrency space. Social media influencers, YouTubers, and even some celebrities began endorsing the coin, sharing their excitement about its meme appeal and viral potential. Media outlets also took notice of PEPE’s rise, often reporting on its rapid price increases and its connection to the larger meme coin trend. This media buzz further fueled retail interest in the coin, contributing to its popularity. 4. FOMO and Speculation The “fear of missing out” (FOMO) phenomenon is one of the most powerful drivers in cryptocurrency markets, especially with meme coins. As PEPE’s price started to surge, a rush of new investors jumped into the market, hoping to catch the next big cryptocurrency wave. This speculative buying led to even more price increases, further accelerating the coin’s rise. Meme coins like PEPE thrive in an environment of speculation, where the price is largely driven by sentiment rather than intrinsic value or use cases. The promise of quick profits through short-term trading keeps the coin in constant flux, with new investors entering and exiting the market based on price movements. The Challenges Facing Pepe (PEPE) While the rise of Pepe (PEPE) has been impressive, meme coins like it face several challenges moving forward. One of the most pressing issues is the question of sustainability. Meme coins often experience rapid price increases that are followed by sharp corrections, leaving many investors with significant losses. This volatility can discourage long-term investors from holding onto their coins, and the lack of a clear use case for PEPE means that it may struggle to maintain its value once the hype dies down. Additionally, meme coins are highly susceptible to market manipulation, with large holders or “whales” having the ability to manipulate the price by buying or selling in large quantities. This can lead to extreme price fluctuations, creating an unstable market environment. Finally, regulatory concerns could pose a threat to meme coins like PEPE. As governments around the world continue to develop frameworks for cryptocurrency regulation, meme coins may face increased scrutiny. The lack of a clear use case or technological innovation behind PEPE could make it a target for regulatory bodies looking to prevent fraud or manipulation within the cryptocurrency market. The Future of Pepe Coin (PEPE) The future of Pepe (PEPE), like most meme coins, remains uncertain. While it has proven to be a viral success, the long-term viability of PEPE will depend on its ability to maintain community engagement, attract new investors, and potentially offer more than just a meme. Unlike more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, PEPE lacks a clear use case or technological edge, which could limit its long-term appeal. However, the success of Pepe (PEPE) underscores the power of internet culture and the role that memes play in shaping the cryptocurrency landscape. Whether it becomes a lasting asset or fades into obscurity, PEPE’s rise has already cemented its place in the history of meme coins. In the end, Pepe (PEPE) is a testament to the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency markets, where anything—even an internet meme—can achieve remarkable success. Whether PEPE is a flash in the pan or a meme coin that stays the course, its unexpected rise serves as a reminder that in the world of crypto, anything can happen.$PEPE

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