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Що таке $Quark
The ARC20 token QUARK is a hot topic in the current Bitcoin ecosystem. With its initial high market capitalization, widespread holdings and strong basic consensus, QUARK is likely to become a breakthrough meme coin in the Atomics ecosystem.
Before starting to introduce the QUARK coin, we need to have a certain understanding of the ARC-20 token.
ARC-20 tokens, also known as Atomics, are a novel token standard in the blockchain ecosystem that is expected to compete with BRC-20 and REC-20.
According to its official website, ARC-20 is a "fungible token colored coin" standard supported by Satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin).
"Colored coins" is a concept in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain, especially related to Bitcoin. It refers to mapping additional or specific value to Bitcoin (BTC) through "coloring," creating differently colored coins for specific purposes.
In the case of ARC-20, “colored coins” are used to represent fungible tokenized assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. Each unit of the token is "colored" by using each Satoshi to represent ownership. This creates a link between Bitcoin and the ferrous asset, providing uniqueness and value to each unit of the token.
Theoretically, this also means that no coin can be priced below one Satoshi.
ARC-20 uses native Satoshi units to represent each coin, which can be subdivided and combined just like regular Bitcoin. ARC-20 tokens can be issued by anyone, sent to any Bitcoin address, and used with wallets that support UTXO options, such as the Sparrow Wallet.
ARC-20 also comes with integrated ticker services, providing a unique global naming system for tickers. The initial registration of a ticker symbol is permanent and can never be reused.
Currently, the Atomics Protocol ecosystem is still under development and aims to provide users with more features.
QUARK coin is a new meme coin in the Atomics ecosystem. This cryptocurrency quickly became a hot topic in the Bitcoin ecosystem after its launch.
The QUARK coin is named after the basic unit that constitutes physical matter, similar to the smallest unit of Bitcoin, sats, and has meme-like properties.
Due to its high initial market value, large number of address holdings and strong basic consensus, many community members believe that QUARK has the potential to become an explosive meme coin in the Atomics ecosystem.
From a participation perspective, on the one hand, the total supply of QUARK is 500,000, which takes a long time to mine, allowing many people to participate and build consensus. On the other hand, QUARK mining difficulty is 6, which is relatively easier than Electron and Neutron, and recent multi-thread optimization also provides most people with the opportunity to experience the fun of mining.
The total supply of QUARK is 500,000, each unit contains 20,000 coins, and the cost of printing one is about 25u. However, as of now, Quark has been fully minted, and the total number of circulating tokens is 9,883,366,240, of which 1.17% of the tokens have been destroyed. However, the Quark token still lacks practical utility.
The large number of initial holders of QUARK coins reduces the risk of sell-offs and promotes close ties in the community, which makes the price of QUARK coins likely to rise again. Currently, Quark is still the crypto asset with the largest number of holders among the ARC-20 tokens.
However, QUARK currency also has many risks. A vulnerability in the Atomics protocol in November last year led to the loss of user assets (mainly ATOM coins) and the temporary closure of the market, which raised questions about the ARC-20 token.
Therefore, investors are advised to conduct adequate research and risk management before starting to invest.
The above is all about the QUARK coin. If you are interested in this project, you can get the latest information by following its official website and official social media accounts. Please be wary of related scams.
Хто й коли розгорнув $Quark
Atomical ID:
Atomical Number:
Amount Per Mint:
Active Block:
Deploy Block:
Як купити токен $Quark на біржі
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Отримайте USDT
Щоб здійснити обмін на $Quark, у вас повинна бути необхідна сума USDT на акаунті. Якщо у вас немає USDT, ви можете купити їх через функцію Quick Buy, за допомогою кредитної/дебетової картки/банківського рахунку або здійснити депозит USDT зі свого гаманця.
Обміняти USDT на $Quark
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Як купити токен ARC-20 Atomicals Inscription $Quark через гаманець
Створити гаманець
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Отримайте BTC
Для обміну на $Quark на вашому гаманці повинні бути BTC. Якщо у вас немає BTC, ви можете купити їх безпосередньо через свій гаманець Atomicalmarket, переказати з іншого гаманця або купити їх на біржі Bitget і переказати на свій гаманець.
Перейдіть у Atomicalmarket
Перейдіть у Atomicalmarket в Google Chrome. Підключіть свій гаманець, знайдіть $Quark, виберіть відповідну ціну в стовпчику, клацніть [Купити]. Після отримання запиту від Atomicalmarket вам потрібно буде підписати транзакцію.
Обміняти BTC на $Quark
Обміняйте BTC на $Quark. Потім ви можете переглянути $Quark в меню «Мої інскрипції» (my inscriptions) в Atomicalmarket або у вашому Bitget Wallet.
Токеноміка $Quark
Пропозиція токенів
The total amount of quarks is 500,000, and each quark contains 20,000 quarks. The average cost of each quark in the entire casting process is approximately 20-30 US dollars.
Дорожня карта $Quark