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Giá DeepBrain Chain

Giá DeepBrain ChainDBC

Coin định giá:

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Giá DeepBrain Chain hôm nay

Giá trực tuyến của DeepBrain Chain là $0.003240 mỗi (DBC / USD) hôm nay với vốn hoá thị trường là $17.59M USD. Khối lượng giao dịch 24 giờ là $494,746.44 USD. Giá DBC theo USD được cập nhật trên thời gian thực. DeepBrain Chain là -11.33% trong 24 giờ qua. Có nguồn cung lưu hành là 5,428,952,000 .

Giá cao nhất của DBC là bao nhiêu?

DBC có mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại (ATH) là $0.6587, được ghi nhận vào 2018-01-09.

Giá thấp nhất của DBC là bao nhiêu?

DBC có mức giá thấp nhất mọi thời đại (ATL) là $0.0003536, được ghi nhận vào ngày 2020-03-13.
Tính lợi nhuận DeepBrain Chain

Dự đoán giá DeepBrain Chain

Giá của DBC vào năm 2025 sẽ là bao nhiêu?

Dựa trên mô hình dự đoán hiệu suất giá lịch sử của DBC, giá DBC dự kiến sẽ đạt $0.005095 vào năm 2025.

Giá của DBC vào năm 2030 sẽ là bao nhiêu?

Trong năm 2030, giá DBC dự kiến sẽ thay đổi +9.00%. Đến cuối năm 2030, giá DBC dự kiến sẽ đạt $0.005998 với ROI tích lũy là +82.36%.

Lịch sử giá DeepBrain Chain (USD)

Giá của DeepBrain Chain là +63.57% trong năm qua. Giá cao nhất của tính bằng USD trong năm ngoái là $0.007988 và mức giá thấp nhất của tính bằng USD trong năm ngoái là $0.001666.
Thời gianBiến động giá (%)Biến động giá (%)Giá thấp nhấtGiá thấp nhất của {0} trong khoảng thời gian tương ứng.Giá cao nhất Giá cao nhất
‌Tất cả thời gian-95.71%$0.0003536(2020-03-13, 4 năm trước )$0.6587(2018-01-09, 6 năm trước )

Thông tin thị trường DeepBrain Chain

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Khối lượng 24h / Vốn hóa thị trường
Nguồn cung lưu hành
5,428,952,000 DBC
Tổng nguồn cung / Nguồn cung tối đa
-- DBC
Mua DeepBrain Chain ngay

Xếp hạng DeepBrain Chain

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Dữ liệu mạng xã hội DeepBrain Chain

Trong 24 giờ qua, điểm tâm lý mạng xã hội của DeepBrain Chain là 4 và tâm lý mạng xã hội đối với xu hướng giá DeepBrain Chain là ‌Tăng giá. Điểm mạng xã hội tổng thể của DeepBrain Chain là 3,186, xếp hạng 524 trong số tất cả các loại tiền điện tử.

Theo LunarCrush, trong 24 giờ qua, tiền điện tử được đề cập trên các mạng xã hội tổng cộng 1,058,120 lần, trong đó DeepBrain Chain được đề cập với tỷ lệ tần suất là 0%, xếp hạng 865 trong số tất cả các loại tiền điện tử.

Trong 24 giờ qua, có tổng cộng 96 người dùng duy nhất thảo luận về DeepBrain Chain, với tổng số lượt đề cập đến DeepBrain Chain là 9. Tuy nhiên, so với 24 giờ trước đó, số lượng người dùng duy nhất đã giảm 10% và tổng số lượt đề cập đã giảm 18%.

Trên X, có tổng cộng 1 bài đăng đề cập đến DeepBrain Chain trong 24 giờ qua. Trong số đó, 100% cho rằng DeepBrain Chain sẽ tăng giá, 0% cho rằng DeepBrain Chain sẽ giảm giá và 0% tỏ ra trung lập đối với DeepBrain Chain.

Trên Reddit, đã có 0 bài đăng đề cập đến DeepBrain Chain trong 24 giờ qua. So với 24 giờ trước đó, số lượt đề cập đã giảm 0%.

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Hướng dẫn mua DeepBrain Chain(DBC)

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Mua DeepBrain Chain (DBC)

Mua DeepBrain Chain (DBC)

Sử dụng nhiều tùy chọn thanh toán khác nhau để mua DeepBrain Chain trên Bitget. Chúng tôi sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách thực hiện.

Tham gia giao dịch sao chép DBC bằng cách theo dõi elite trader.

Sau khi đăng ký Bitget và mua thành công USDT hoặc token DBC, bạn có thể bắt đầu giao dịch sao chép bằng cách theo dõi elite trader.

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Câu Hỏi Thường Gặp

Giá hiện tại của DeepBrain Chain là bao nhiêu?

Giá trực tiếp của DeepBrain Chain là $0 cho mỗi (DBC/USD) với vốn hóa thị trường hiện tại là $17,588,751.63 USD. Giá trị của DeepBrain Chain trải qua những biến động thường xuyên do hoạt động liên tục 24/7 trên thị trường tiền điện tử. Giá hiện tại của DeepBrain Chain trong thời gian thực và dữ liệu lịch sử khả dụng trên Bitget.

Khối lượng giao dịch 24 giờ của DeepBrain Chain là bao nhiêu?

Trong 24 giờ qua, khối lượng giao dịch của DeepBrain Chain là $494,746.44.

Giá cao nhất mọi thời đại của DeepBrain Chain là bao nhiêu?

Giá cao nhất mọi thời đại của DeepBrain Chain là $0.6587. Mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại này là mức giá cao nhất của DeepBrain Chain kể từ khi ra mắt.

Liệu tôi có thể mua DeepBrain Chain trên Bitget?

Có, DeepBrain Chain hiện đang khả dụng trên sàn giao dịch tập trung của Bitget. Để biết thêm chi tiết, vui lòng xem qua hướng dẫn Hướng dẫn mua của chúng tôi.

Tôi có thể nhận được thu nhập ổn định khi đầu tư vào DeepBrain Chain không?

Như mọi người đều biết, Bitget cung cấp nền tảng giao dịch chiến lược, với các bot giao dịch thông minh để tự động hóa các giao dịch của bạn và kiếm lợi nhuận.

Tôi có thể mua DeepBrain Chain ở đâu với mức phí thấp nhất?

Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo nền tảng giao dịch chiến lược hiện đã có mặt trên sàn giao dịch Bitget. Bitget cung cấp mức phí giao dịch và độ sâu tốt hàng đầu trong ngành để đảm bảo lợi nhuận cho các khoản đầu tư của nhà giao dịch.

Tôi có thể mua DeepBrain Chain (DBC) ở đâu?

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Đầu tư tiền điện tử, bao gồm mua DeepBrain Chain trực tuyến qua Bitget, có thể chịu rủi ro thị trường. Bitget cung cấp các phương thức đơn giản và thuận tiện để bạn mua DeepBrain Chain, bên cạnh đó, chúng tôi cố gắng đưa thông tin đầy đủ đến người dùng của mình về từng loại tiền điện tử được cung cấp trên nền tảng. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về các kết quả có thể phát sinh từ giao dịch mua DeepBrain Chain của bạn. Trang này và các thông tin trong đó không được xem là chứng thực của bất kỳ loại tiền điện tử cụ thể nào.


Giao dịch


1 DBC = 0.003240 USD
Bitget cung cấp phí giao dịch thấp nhất trong số các sàn giao dịch lớn. Cấp VIP của bạn càng cao, mức phí càng ưu đãi.

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Bitget Insights

2024/11/07 02:35
The AI sector is rapidly growing, and many cryptocurrencies are emerging or positioning themselves to take advantage of this trend. If you're looking at AI-related coins with potential, here are some notable ones to consider: 1. SingularityNET (AGIX) Use Case: SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for AI services. It allows developers to create, share, and monetize AI algorithms. Why It Has Potential: The platform aims to democratize AI by enabling anyone to access AI tools and services. As AI technology continues to evolve, SingularityNET's infrastructure could become crucial in the development and deployment of decentralized AI applications. 2. (FET) Use Case: is a decentralized AI-driven network that allows autonomous "agents" to communicate and perform tasks like data processing, optimization, and predictive analytics. Why It Has Potential: focuses on providing solutions for industries like supply chain management, transportation, and energy, all of which are looking for AI-powered optimizations. 3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) Use Case: Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange platform, where AI models can access and trade data. The goal is to unlock data for AI development. Why It Has Potential: Ocean Protocol facilitates the use of AI by providing a marketplace for high-quality data, which is essential for training AI models. As AI systems need vast amounts of diverse data to improve, this platform could see significant growth. 4. Cortex (CTXC) Use Case: Cortex is a decentralized AI platform that enables developers to upload AI models on the blockchain and incorporate them into smart contracts. Why It Has Potential: Cortex allows users to run AI models on-chain, integrating AI into decentralized applications (dApps). As blockchain and AI converge, this could become a powerful combination. 5. Numerai (NMR) Use Case: Numerai is a hedge fund powered by data scientists who use machine learning models to make investment decisions. The platform uses cryptocurrency as an incentive for data scientists to share their models and predictions. Why It Has Potential: Numerai is tapping into the AI/finance crossover, enabling more accurate predictions and data-driven investment strategies. Its decentralized approach to AI-powered finance could appeal to many investors. 6. Velas (VLX) Use Case: Velas is a high-performance blockchain that uses AI to optimize its consensus mechanism, enabling faster transactions and more efficient network management. Why It Has Potential: With its unique blend of AI and blockchain, Velas aims to offer a scalable, fast, and secure blockchain solution, which could be attractive in the growing DeFi and dApp ecosystem. 7. AIWORK (AWO) Use Case: AIWORK is a decentralized AI ecosystem designed to provide a platform for AI-driven content creation, curation, and discovery. Why It Has Potential: By leveraging AI for content creation, discovery, and even real-time content moderation, AIWORK could see traction in the burgeoning AI-driven media and content industries. 8. DeepBrain Chain (DBC) Use Case: DeepBrain Chain provides a decentralized AI computing network, allowing companies to build and deploy AI solutions at a lower cost. Why It Has Potential: With the demand for AI computing power skyrocketing, DeepBrain Chain’s model of decentralized AI infrastructure can offer more affordable and scalable solutions. 9. Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) Use Case: AI-powered platform that integrates AI into decentralized applications (dApps) for real-time solutions across different sectors like finance, healthcare, and logistics. Why It Has Potential: The combination of decentralized AI and its applications across industries positions ALI as a potentially strong player in the future of AI and blockchain integration.
2024/10/22 05:29
The most promising AI coins for long term gains
Here are some of the most promising AI coins that have strong potential for long-term gains, based on their technology, use cases, and market position: 1. (FET): is one of the leading AI blockchain projects, focusing on creating decentralized autonomous agents for various applications, such as supply chain optimization, smart cities, and energy distribution. It combines AI with the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable machines and agents to work together autonomously.’s potential for real-world applications makes it attractive for long-term growth. 2. SingularityNET (AGIX): This project aims to create a decentralized marketplace for AI services, where developers can create, share, and monetize AI models. It’s led by Dr. Ben Goertzel, a prominent figure in AI, and the team is working on building a global network of AI services that can be accessed by anyone. The platform is designed to support a variety of AI solutions, from data analytics to advanced machine learning. 3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Ocean Protocol focuses on data sharing, allowing businesses and developers to monetize their data for AI training. It serves as a decentralized data marketplace where users can trade datasets while maintaining privacy. Ocean’s approach to solving the data scarcity problem for AI makes it an essential component of future AI ecosystems, giving it strong long-term potential. 4. Numerai (NMR): Numerai is an AI-powered hedge fund that uses machine learning models submitted by data scientists to make investment decisions. Data scientists are rewarded in NMR tokens for contributing predictive models that improve the fund’s performance. The unique crowdsourced approach and strong track record of Numerai make it a standout AI project with real-world financial applications. 5. Cortex (CTXC): Cortex focuses on decentralized AI models that can be integrated into smart contracts. It allows users to upload and execute AI models on the blockchain, which is especially useful for decentralized applications (dApps) that require machine learning. Cortex’s focus on AI-powered dApps and smart contracts positions it well for future adoption in the decentralized space. 6. Velas (VLX): Velas combines blockchain technology with AI to create a scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure. It uses an AI-enhanced delegated proof-of-stake (AIDPOS) consensus mechanism to improve the speed and efficiency of transactions. Velas aims to solve scalability and usability issues in the blockchain space, making it a strong candidate for long-term growth as more developers and users adopt its platform. 7. DeepBrain Chain (DBC): DeepBrain Chain offers decentralized cloud computing for AI model training. By using blockchain technology, it reduces the cost of AI computation and makes it more accessible to developers. As AI models become more complex and require vast computational resources, DeepBrain Chain’s solution could become a critical infrastructure for AI development. 8. Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI): This project focuses on creating AI-based avatars and applications. It’s part of the Alethea AI ecosystem, which works on creating and monetizing NFTs with embedded AI personalities. As AI avatars and virtual influencers become more mainstream, projects like ALI that cater to this niche could see significant growth. These AI coins are positioned well for long-term gains due to their innovative use of AI and blockchain technology, strong development teams, and growing ecosystems. However, investing in cryptocurrencies, especially in emerging sectors like AI, carries risks, so it’s essential to conduct thorough research and diversify your investments.
2024/10/10 19:50
AI Coin Recovery: Top Projects Leading the Surge
The recovery in the AI coin market is being driven by several standout projects that are leading the surge in value and adoption. These projects are combining AI and blockchain technology to address critical issues, making them key players in the ongoing recovery. Here are the top AI coin projects leading the surge: 1. (FET): is at the forefront of combining AI and decentralized systems. The platform focuses on creating autonomous agents that perform tasks across various industries such as transportation, energy, and finance.’s potential to automate complex systems makes it one of the leading AI coins in this market surge. 2. SingularityNET (AGI): SingularityNET continues to attract attention with its decentralized marketplace for AI services. Developers can create, share, and monetize AI models through its platform, and its ongoing advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) are gaining traction. The increased demand for AI-based services has driven renewed interest in this project. 3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Ocean Protocol is playing a crucial role in enabling secure data exchange for AI applications. By focusing on data privacy and decentralized control, Ocean Protocol empowers organizations to safely monetize their data, a key driver for its growth as demand for data-driven AI increases. 4. Cortex (CTXC): Cortex integrates AI into smart contracts, enabling decentralized applications (dApps) to use machine learning models. This unique approach to combining AI with DeFi (decentralized finance) and blockchain applications positions Cortex as a leader in AI-driven blockchain innovation. 5. Numerai (NMR): Numerai is using AI to transform the finance industry. Its hedge fund is powered by a decentralized network of data scientists who submit AI models to predict stock market outcomes. Numerai’s model rewards contributors based on the accuracy of their predictions, making it a prominent player in AI-driven financial markets. 6. DeepBrain Chain (DBC): DeepBrain Chain provides decentralized AI computing resources, significantly reducing the cost of AI development. With growing interest in cost-effective AI solutions, this platform is experiencing renewed demand from developers and enterprises seeking to cut AI-related expenses. 7. SingularityDAO (SDAO): A spinoff of SingularityNET, SingularityDAO focuses on decentralized finance (DeFi) by using AI to manage crypto assets through dynamic asset allocations. Its combination of AI and DeFi is capturing the attention of investors looking for innovative ways to manage portfolios in the crypto space. 8. Velas (VLX): Velas combines AI and blockchain to enhance performance, scalability, and security. Its AI-powered consensus mechanism improves transaction speeds, making it a standout in the AI coin space. Velas is attracting attention as more projects and developers seek scalable blockchain solutions. 9. Matrix AI Network (MAN): Matrix AI Network is designed to optimize blockchain technology with AI, focusing on security, speed, and efficiency. Its AI-based solutions for digital identity verification, healthcare, and financial services position it as a top project in the AI coin recovery. 10. Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI): Powered by Alethea AI, this token drives the creation and management of AI-generated NFTs. With AI-generated content becoming more popular in the entertainment and digital art industries, the project is seeing significant growth as the NFT market continues to evolve. These projects are leading the surge in the AI coin recovery due to their unique solutions and the increasing demand for AI-driven innovations across various industries. Their ability to harness AI and blockchain technology positions them at the forefront of this growing market, making them worth watching as the recovery continues.
2024/10/10 19:49
AI Coin Recovery: Top Projects Leading the Surge
The recovery in the AI coin market is being driven by several standout projects that are leading the surge in value and adoption. These projects are combining AI and blockchain technology to address critical issues, making them key players in the ongoing recovery. Here are the top AI coin projects leading the surge: 1. (FET): is at the forefront of combining AI and decentralized systems. The platform focuses on creating autonomous agents that perform tasks across various industries such as transportation, energy, and finance.’s potential to automate complex systems makes it one of the leading AI coins in this market surge. 2. SingularityNET (AGI): SingularityNET continues to attract attention with its decentralized marketplace for AI services. Developers can create, share, and monetize AI models through its platform, and its ongoing advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) are gaining traction. The increased demand for AI-based services has driven renewed interest in this project. 3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Ocean Protocol is playing a crucial role in enabling secure data exchange for AI applications. By focusing on data privacy and decentralized control, Ocean Protocol empowers organizations to safely monetize their data, a key driver for its growth as demand for data-driven AI increases. 4. Cortex (CTXC): Cortex integrates AI into smart contracts, enabling decentralized applications (dApps) to use machine learning models. This unique approach to combining AI with DeFi (decentralized finance) and blockchain applications positions Cortex as a leader in AI-driven blockchain innovation. 5. Numerai (NMR): Numerai is using AI to transform the finance industry. Its hedge fund is powered by a decentralized network of data scientists who submit AI models to predict stock market outcomes. Numerai’s model rewards contributors based on the accuracy of their predictions, making it a prominent player in AI-driven financial markets. 6. DeepBrain Chain (DBC): DeepBrain Chain provides decentralized AI computing resources, significantly reducing the cost of AI development. With growing interest in cost-effective AI solutions, this platform is experiencing renewed demand from developers and enterprises seeking to cut AI-related expenses. 7. SingularityDAO (SDAO): A spinoff of SingularityNET, SingularityDAO focuses on decentralized finance (DeFi) by using AI to manage crypto assets through dynamic asset allocations. Its combination of AI and DeFi is capturing the attention of investors looking for innovative ways to manage portfolios in the crypto space. 8. Velas (VLX): Velas combines AI and blockchain to enhance performance, scalability, and security. Its AI-powered consensus mechanism improves transaction speeds, making it a standout in the AI coin space. Velas is attracting attention as more projects and developers seek scalable blockchain solutions. 9. Matrix AI Network (MAN): Matrix AI Network is designed to optimize blockchain technology with AI, focusing on security, speed, and efficiency. Its AI-based solutions for digital identity verification, healthcare, and financial services position it as a top project in the AI coin recovery. 10. Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI): Powered by Alethea AI, this token drives the creation and management of AI-generated NFTs. With AI-generated content becoming more popular in the entertainment and digital art industries, the project is seeing significant growth as the NFT market continues to evolve. These projects are leading the surge in the AI coin recovery due to their unique solutions and the increasing demand for AI-driven innovations across various industries. Their ability to harness AI and blockchain technology positions them at the forefront of this growing market, making them worth watching as the recovery continues.
2024/10/03 05:46
Top AI tokens to watch
Here are some of the top AI tokens to watch, known for their potential and innovative use cases in the cryptocurrency space: 1. SingularityNET (AGI): This decentralized marketplace for AI services allows developers to create, share, and monetize AI algorithms. Its focus on interoperability and collaboration makes it a significant player in the AI sector. 2. (FET): provides a decentralized platform for autonomous agents to perform tasks on behalf of users. It focuses on optimizing services in various industries, including transportation and supply chain management. 3. Numerai (NMR): A unique hedge fund that utilizes AI and machine learning to make predictions in financial markets. Data scientists are rewarded for submitting models that improve the fund’s performance, creating a decentralized data science competition. 4. Cortex (CTXC): Cortex enables the integration of AI models into smart contracts, allowing developers to create AI-powered decentralized applications. Its goal is to provide a platform for building and deploying AI models on the blockchain. 5. AI Network (AIN): This platform focuses on providing AI services through a decentralized ecosystem, allowing users to access and share AI resources. Its goal is to build an AI-powered infrastructure for various applications. 6. DeepBrain Chain (DBC): DeepBrain Chain is a decentralized AI computing platform that aims to reduce the costs of AI development by providing affordable computing power. It also allows for data sharing and collaboration among AI developers. 7. Velas (VLX): Velas combines blockchain technology with AI to improve transaction speed and scalability. Its AI-enhanced consensus mechanism aims to optimize network performance and user experience. 8. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): While primarily a data exchange protocol, Ocean Protocol leverages AI to enhance data sharing and monetization. It allows data providers to maintain control over their data while enabling AI developers to access valuable datasets. 9. Matrix AI Network (MAN): This project focuses on building a blockchain that can dynamically adjust its protocol based on AI algorithms, enhancing scalability and efficiency. It aims to provide a platform for AI applications and services. 10. AiOn (AION): AiOn aims to create a decentralized ecosystem for AI applications, allowing developers to build and share AI solutions. It emphasizes the importance of data privacy and user control in AI development. These tokens represent a blend of innovation and practical applications of AI within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, making them worth monitoring as the sector continues to evolve.

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Lựa chọn 8 loại tiền điện tử hàng đầu theo vốn hóa thị trường.
Đã thêm gần đây
Các loại tiền điện tử đã được thêm gần đây nhất.
Vốn hóa thị trường tương đối
Trong tất cả các tài sản Bitget, 8 tài sản này có vốn hóa thị trường gần nhất với DeepBrain Chain.