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Giá TypeAI


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Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về TypeAI hôm nay?

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Giá TypeAI hôm nay

Giá trực tuyến của TypeAI là $0.7569 mỗi (TYPE / USD) hôm nay với vốn hoá thị trường là $7.19M USD. Khối lượng giao dịch 24 giờ là $80,594.39 USD. Giá TYPE theo USD được cập nhật trên thời gian thực. TypeAI là 3.25% trong 24 giờ qua. Có nguồn cung lưu hành là 9,500,000 .

Giá cao nhất của TYPE là bao nhiêu?

TYPE có mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại (ATH) là $4.04, được ghi nhận vào 2024-03-17.

Giá thấp nhất của TYPE là bao nhiêu?

TYPE có mức giá thấp nhất mọi thời đại (ATL) là $0.06446, được ghi nhận vào ngày 2024-02-15.
Tính lợi nhuận TypeAI

Dự đoán giá TypeAI

Khi nào là thời điểm thích hợp để mua TYPE? Tôi hiện nên mua hay bán TYPE?

Khi quyết định mua hay bán TYPE, trước tiên bạn phải xem xét chiến lược giao dịch của mình. Hoạt động giao dịch của các nhà giao dịch dài hạn và nhà giao dịch ngắn hạn cũng sẽ khác nhau. Phân tích kỹ thuật Bitget TYPE có thể cung cấp cho bạn tài liệu tham khảo cho giao dịch.
Theo Phân tích kỹ thuật 4 giờ của TYPE, tín hiệu giao dịch là Mua.
Theo Phân tích kỹ thuật 1 ngày của TYPE, tín hiệu giao dịch là Mua mạnh.
Theo Phân tích kỹ thuật 1 tuần của TYPE, tín hiệu giao dịch là Trung lập.

Giá của TYPE vào năm 2025 sẽ là bao nhiêu?

Dựa trên mô hình dự đoán hiệu suất giá lịch sử của TYPE, giá TYPE dự kiến sẽ đạt $1.13 vào năm 2025.

Giá của TYPE vào năm 2030 sẽ là bao nhiêu?

Trong năm 2030, giá TYPE dự kiến sẽ thay đổi +4.00%. Đến cuối năm 2030, giá TYPE dự kiến sẽ đạt $1.5 với ROI tích lũy là +91.72%.

Lịch sử giá TypeAI (USD)

Giá của TypeAI là +493.37% trong năm qua. Giá cao nhất của tính bằng USD trong năm ngoái là $4.04 và mức giá thấp nhất của tính bằng USD trong năm ngoái là $0.06446.
Thời gianBiến động giá (%)Biến động giá (%)Giá thấp nhấtGiá thấp nhất của {0} trong khoảng thời gian tương ứng.Giá cao nhất Giá cao nhất
‌Tất cả thời gian+347.88%$0.06446(2024-02-15, 288 ngày trước )$4.04(2024-03-17, 257 ngày trước )

Thông tin thị trường TypeAI

Vốn hóa thị trường
Vốn hóa thị trường pha loãng hoàn toàn
Khối lượng (24h)
Thứ hạng thị trường
Tỷ lệ lưu hành
Khối lượng 24h / Vốn hóa thị trường
Nguồn cung lưu hành
9,500,000 TYPE
Tổng nguồn cung / Nguồn cung tối đa
10,000,000 TYPE
10,000,000 TYPE
Mua TypeAI ngay

Xếp hạng TypeAI

Xếp hạng trung bình từ cộng đồng
Xếp hạng 100
Nội dung này chỉ dành cho mục đích thông tin.

Hướng dẫn mua TypeAI(TYPE)

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Mua TypeAI (TYPE)

Mua TypeAI (TYPE)

Sử dụng nhiều tùy chọn thanh toán khác nhau để mua TypeAI trên Bitget. Chúng tôi sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách thực hiện.

Tham gia giao dịch sao chép TYPE bằng cách theo dõi elite trader.

Sau khi đăng ký Bitget và mua thành công USDT hoặc token TYPE, bạn có thể bắt đầu giao dịch sao chép bằng cách theo dõi elite trader.

Tin tức về TypeAI

Thông báo hủy niêm yết cặp giao dịch spot ZKX/USDT và TYPE/USDT vào 01/08/2024
Thông báo hủy niêm yết cặp giao dịch spot ZKX/USDT và TYPE/USDT vào 01/08/2024

Mỗi tài sản kỹ thuật số niêm yết trên Bitget đều được đánh giá thường xuyên nhằm kiểm định chất lượng và đảm bảo luôn tuân thủ những tiêu chuẩn của nền tảng. Bên cạnh mức độ bảo mật và ổn định của mạng lưới tài sản kỹ thuật số, chúng tôi cân nhắc một số yếu tố khác trong quy trình đánh giá, bao gồm

Bitget Announcement2024-07-31 09:00
Thông báo về việc mở lại dịch vụ nạp TYPE
Thông báo về việc mở lại dịch vụ nạp TYPE

Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo rằng dịch vụ gửi tiền TYPE đã được mở lại trên nền tảng của Bitget. Chân thành xin lỗi quý người dùng vì sự bất tiện xảy ra trong thời gian tạm ngừng dịch vụ!

Bitget Announcement2024-06-24 07:00
Cập nhật thêm về TypeAI

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Niêm yết mới

Câu Hỏi Thường Gặp

Giá hiện tại của TypeAI là bao nhiêu?

Giá trực tiếp của TypeAI là $0.76 cho mỗi (TYPE/USD) với vốn hóa thị trường hiện tại là $7,190,507.04 USD. Giá trị của TypeAI trải qua những biến động thường xuyên do hoạt động liên tục 24/7 trên thị trường tiền điện tử. Giá hiện tại của TypeAI trong thời gian thực và dữ liệu lịch sử khả dụng trên Bitget.

Khối lượng giao dịch 24 giờ của TypeAI là bao nhiêu?

Trong 24 giờ qua, khối lượng giao dịch của TypeAI là $80,594.39.

Giá cao nhất mọi thời đại của TypeAI là bao nhiêu?

Giá cao nhất mọi thời đại của TypeAI là $4.04. Mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại này là mức giá cao nhất của TypeAI kể từ khi ra mắt.

Liệu tôi có thể mua TypeAI trên Bitget?

Có, TypeAI hiện đang khả dụng trên sàn giao dịch tập trung của Bitget. Để biết thêm chi tiết, vui lòng xem qua hướng dẫn Hướng dẫn mua của chúng tôi.

Tôi có thể nhận được thu nhập ổn định khi đầu tư vào TypeAI không?

Như mọi người đều biết, Bitget cung cấp nền tảng giao dịch chiến lược, với các bot giao dịch thông minh để tự động hóa các giao dịch của bạn và kiếm lợi nhuận.

Tôi có thể mua TypeAI ở đâu với mức phí thấp nhất?

Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo nền tảng giao dịch chiến lược hiện đã có mặt trên sàn giao dịch Bitget. Bitget cung cấp mức phí giao dịch và độ sâu tốt hàng đầu trong ngành để đảm bảo lợi nhuận cho các khoản đầu tư của nhà giao dịch.

Tôi có thể mua TypeAI (TYPE) ở đâu?

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4. Chọn quốc gia hoặc khu vực phát hành và loại ID của bạn, sau đó làm theo hướng dẫn.
5. Chọn "Xác minh Di động" hoặc "PC" dựa trên sở thích của bạn.
6. Nhập thông tin chi tiết của bạn, gửi bản sao giấy tờ tùy thân và ảnh selfie.
7. Gửi đăng ký của bạn và chúc mừng, bạn đã hoàn tất xác minh danh tính!
Đầu tư tiền điện tử, bao gồm mua TypeAI trực tuyến qua Bitget, có thể chịu rủi ro thị trường. Bitget cung cấp các phương thức đơn giản và thuận tiện để bạn mua TypeAI, bên cạnh đó, chúng tôi cố gắng đưa thông tin đầy đủ đến người dùng của mình về từng loại tiền điện tử được cung cấp trên nền tảng. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về các kết quả có thể phát sinh từ giao dịch mua TypeAI của bạn. Trang này và các thông tin trong đó không được xem là chứng thực của bất kỳ loại tiền điện tử cụ thể nào.


Giao dịch


1 TYPE = 0.7569 USD
Bitget cung cấp phí giao dịch thấp nhất trong số các sàn giao dịch lớn. Cấp VIP của bạn càng cao, mức phí càng ưu đãi.

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Bitget Insights

2024/11/23 13:18
Definition of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Artificial superintelligence (ASI) is an intellige
Definition of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Artificial superintelligence (ASI) is an intelligent machine that surpasses human capabilities across all domains of intellectual activity. This type of artificial intelligence goes beyond mere automation and narrow problem-solving tasks associated with current AI technology, and instead, it has the potential to replicate general human intelligence, exhibiting not only superior abilities in mathematical and logical reasoning but also in creativity, subjective experiences, and the ability to understand natural language. In essence, ASI is the ultimate goal of the AI research field, representing a significant technological breakthrough that could potentially revolutionize society, giving rise to unprecedented economic growth, entirely new industries, and an unparalleled ability to tackle some of humanity's most pressing problems such as climate change, aging, and disease. However, concerns have also been raised about the potential threats of ASI, including the risk of unintended consequences, loss of human control, and ethical dilemmas.
2024/11/17 12:38
Certainly! Here's a detailed and high-quality post on the BAN Triangle Pattern for technical analysi
Certainly! Here's a detailed and high-quality post on the BAN Triangle Pattern for technical analysis, expanded to around 1000 words. --- The BAN Triangle Pattern: A Detailed Analysis and Trading Guide In the world of technical analysis, chart patterns are powerful tools for traders to forecast potential price movements. One of the more obscure yet valuable patterns that traders look for is the BAN Triangle Pattern. While not as widely discussed as other patterns such as the head and shoulders or flags, the BAN Triangle can be a highly effective pattern for predicting both continuation and reversal signals when used correctly. In this post, we will delve deep into the components, formation, significance, and trading strategies associated with the BAN Triangle Pattern, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to identify, trade, and manage risk when using this pattern in your trading strategy. What is the BAN Triangle Pattern? The BAN Triangle Pattern is a type of consolidation pattern that appears during a period of indecision in the market. The price action narrows as the market moves between converging trendlines, which leads to a triangle-like shape on the chart. This pattern often signals that a breakout is imminent—either upwards (bullish) or downwards (bearish). The term BAN stands for the three critical elements of the pattern: B - Base: The horizontal support or resistance level that forms the lower or upper boundary of the triangle. A - Apex: The point where the two trendlines converge. It represents the potential point for a breakout. N - Neckline: The level that the price must break through to confirm the pattern's validity, typically forming just above or below the base. These components create a framework for interpreting the market and predicting future price movements based on historical price behavior. Understanding the Formation of the BAN Triangle The BAN Triangle is formed through a process of price consolidation. It typically begins after a sharp price move (either up or down) and continues with a series of higher lows and lower highs, forming converging trendlines. These trendlines represent areas of support and resistance, with the space between them narrowing as the pattern matures. There are several variations of the BAN Triangle Pattern, depending on how the trendlines are drawn: 1. Symmetrical Triangle: Both the upper and lower trendlines slant toward each other, signaling a balance between buying and selling pressure. The breakout could be in either direction, and traders will wait for confirmation before entering the market. 2. Ascending Triangle: In this version of the BAN Triangle, the lower trendline slopes upward while the upper trendline is horizontal, indicating that buyers are becoming more aggressive. It is often considered a bullish pattern, signaling that a breakout to the upside is likely. 3. Descending Triangle: In contrast, the descending triangle has a downward-sloping upper trendline and a horizontal lower trendline. This pattern suggests that selling pressure is stronger, and a breakdown to the downside is often expected. How to Trade the BAN Triangle Pattern Once the pattern is identified, the next step is to wait for a breakout. Traders typically look for a breakout when the price reaches the apex, signaling that the price can no longer remain within the narrowing range. Step 1: Identifying the Triangle The first step in trading the BAN Triangle is recognizing it on the chart. Look for a series of converging trendlines that form a triangle shape. It’s important that the price consistently bounces off the upper and lower trendlines, showing that the market is consolidating before a breakout. Step 2: Wait for the Breakout The breakout is the most critical aspect of trading the BAN Triangle. When the price moves outside the confines of the triangle, it suggests that the previous pattern of consolidation is coming to an end and that the market is ready to make a significant move. Bullish Breakout: If the price breaks above the upper trendline (the resistance line), this typically signals a continuation of an uptrend, especially if the breakout occurs with increased volume. Bearish Breakdown: Conversely, a breakdown below the lower trendline (support line) suggests that a downtrend may be beginning, and traders can position themselves accordingly. It’s essential to confirm the breakout with volume. A breakout with high volume increases the likelihood that the move is genuine and not a false breakout. Step 3: Set Entry and Exit Points Once the breakout occurs, traders need to set their entry and exit points. A common approach is to set the entry just above the breakout point (in the case of a bullish breakout) or just below the breakdown point (in the case of a bearish breakout). To set a target price, measure the height of the triangle at its widest point (from the base to the apex), and project that distance in the direction of the breakout. This gives an estimated price target. For example, if the triangle has a height of $10, and the breakout occurs above the resistance level at $100, the target price would be $110. Step 4: Use Risk Management Techniques As with any technical pattern, risk management is critical when trading the BAN Triangle. Since breakouts can sometimes be false or lead to whipsaw movements, it is essential to use stop-loss orders to limit losses in case the price quickly reverses. Stop-Loss Orders: For a bullish breakout, a stop-loss order can be placed just below the breakout point or the lower trendline to protect from a potential false breakout. Take-Profit Orders: Once the price reaches the target, consider taking partial profits or adjusting the stop-loss to lock in gains. Volume and Confirmation: The Key to Reliable Breakouts Volume plays a crucial role in validating the breakout of the BAN Triangle. Ideally, you want to see increased volume at the moment of the breakout. A surge in volume confirms that the price move is supported by a larger number of participants and is more likely to sustain momentum in the direction of the breakout. If volume is low during the breakout, it could signal that the move is weak and might not be sustainable, making the breakout less reliable. In this case, waiting for additional confirmation (such as a pullback to the breakout point) can be a safer approach. Limitations of the BAN Triangle Pattern While the BAN Triangle is a useful pattern, it has its limitations. False breakouts are one of the biggest risks when trading this pattern. Price may break out in one direction but quickly reverse back inside the triangle, leading to losses for traders who entered too early. It is important to combine the BAN Triangle Pattern with other technical analysis tools, such as trend indicators, moving averages, or oscillators (like the RSI or MACD), to confirm the breakout and reduce the chances of being caught in a false move. Conclusion: Mastering the BAN Triangle for Profitable Trading The BAN Triangle Pattern can be a powerful tool for predicting potential breakouts in the market, providing traders with clear entry and exit points. By understanding the structure of the pattern, recognizing its various forms (symmetrical, ascending, and descending), and using sound risk management strategies, traders can use the BAN Triangle to make informed decisions and capture significant price moves. Always remember that no pattern is foolproof, and combining the BAN Triangle with other forms of analysis, such as volume and trend-following indicators, will help increase the probability of a successful trade. Whether you’re a novice trader or an experienced market participant, mastering this pattern can add a valuable tool to your trading toolkit, helping you navigate volatile markets with more confidence. --- This post expands the topic with deeper insights, practical advice, and actionable steps, giving you a thorough understanding of the BAN Triangle Pattern for effective trading.
2024/11/17 12:36
To improve the quality of a post regarding the "BAN Triangle Pattern,"
To improve the quality of a post regarding the "BAN Triangle Pattern," it's essential to focus on clarity, structure, and thoroughness. Here's how you can structure and enhance the content: --- Understanding the BAN Triangle Pattern in Technical Analysis The BAN Triangle Pattern is a term used in technical analysis to describe a specific type of chart pattern that traders use to predict price movements. While it’s a relatively lesser-known term compared to other patterns like the head and shoulders or flag patterns, its significance in certain market conditions should not be overlooked. 1. What is the BAN Triangle Pattern? The BAN Triangle Pattern typically forms during periods of consolidation, where price action tightens, and the market oscillates between converging trendlines. This pattern can represent a continuation or reversal depending on its context and breakout direction. B - Base: The horizontal support level that forms the bottom boundary of the triangle. A - Apex: The point where the two trendlines converge, often signaling a potential breakout. N - Neckline: This is the line that often marks the breakout point, typically located above or below the base. 2. Formation of the BAN Triangle The BAN Triangle is formed when a security’s price moves within two converging trendlines, typically characterized by a series of lower highs and higher lows. This creates a symmetrical or ascending/descending triangle shape. Traders typically expect a breakout once the price reaches the apex of the pattern. Symmetrical Triangle: The price fluctuates within converging trendlines, indicating indecision in the market. Ascending Triangle: A pattern with a flat top and rising support line, often seen as a bullish continuation. Descending Triangle: A pattern with a flat bottom and declining resistance line, typically viewed as a bearish continuation. 3. How to Trade the BAN Triangle Pattern Breakout Direction: Traders typically wait for the price to break through one of the trendlines. A breakout above resistance may signal a continuation of the current trend (bullish), while a breakdown below support may indicate a reversal or continuation in the opposite direction (bearish). Volume Confirmation: A breakout is often more reliable when accompanied by increased volume. This indicates that the move is supported by substantial market participation. Target Price: The target for a price move is typically calculated by measuring the height of the triangle at its widest point and projecting that distance from the breakout point. 4. Key Considerations Timeframe: The BAN Triangle Pattern can occur on various timeframes, but it is most effective on medium to long-term charts (daily, weekly). Market Context: Always consider the broader market conditions when interpreting the BAN Triangle. For example, if the market is in a strong uptrend, an ascending triangle may offer a higher probability of a bullish breakout. 5. Common Mistakes to Avoid Premature Breakouts: Sometimes, price may seem to break out but then quickly retrace. Be cautious of false breakouts. Ignoring Volume: Trading a breakout without confirming volume can lead to poor decision-making. Overreliance on One Pattern: Always use additional indicators and confirm your analysis with other chart patterns or technical signals to increase the likelihood of a successful trade. Conclusion The BAN Triangle Pattern is a valuable tool for traders looking for clear, defined price action within a consolidating market. As with any chart pattern, it's essential to use proper risk management and to confirm the breakout with other tools before making trading decisions. --- This update includes a clear explanation of the pattern, its formation, trading strategies, and common mistakes to avoid, making it a comprehensive and quality post.
2024/11/17 12:33
To improve the quality of a post regarding the "BAN Triangle Pattern," it's essential to focus on cl
To improve the quality of a post regarding the "BAN Triangle Pattern," it's essential to focus on clarity, structure, and thoroughness. Here's how you can structure and enhance the content: --- Understanding the BAN Triangle Pattern in Technical Analysis The BAN Triangle Pattern is a term used in technical analysis to describe a specific type of chart pattern that traders use to predict price movements. While it’s a relatively lesser-known term compared to other patterns like the head and shoulders or flag patterns, its significance in certain market conditions should not be overlooked. 1. What is the BAN Triangle Pattern? The BAN Triangle Pattern typically forms during periods of consolidation, where price action tightens, and the market oscillates between converging trendlines. This pattern can represent a continuation or reversal depending on its context and breakout direction. B - Base: The horizontal support level that forms the bottom boundary of the triangle. A - Apex: The point where the two trendlines converge, often signaling a potential breakout. N - Neckline: This is the line that often marks the breakout point, typically located above or below the base. 2. Formation of the BAN Triangle The BAN Triangle is formed when a security’s price moves within two converging trendlines, typically characterized by a series of lower highs and higher lows. This creates a symmetrical or ascending/descending triangle shape. Traders typically expect a breakout once the price reaches the apex of the pattern. Symmetrical Triangle: The price fluctuates within converging trendlines, indicating indecision in the market. Ascending Triangle: A pattern with a flat top and rising support line, often seen as a bullish continuation. Descending Triangle: A pattern with a flat bottom and declining resistance line, typically viewed as a bearish continuation. 3. How to Trade the BAN Triangle Pattern Breakout Direction: Traders typically wait for the price to break through one of the trendlines. A breakout above resistance may signal a continuation of the current trend (bullish), while a breakdown below support may indicate a reversal or continuation in the opposite direction (bearish). Volume Confirmation: A breakout is often more reliable when accompanied by increased volume. This indicates that the move is supported by substantial market participation. Target Price: The target for a price move is typically calculated by measuring the height of the triangle at its widest point and projecting that distance from the breakout point. 4. Key Considerations Timeframe: The BAN Triangle Pattern can occur on various timeframes, but it is most effective on medium to long-term charts (daily, weekly). Market Context: Always consider the broader market conditions when interpreting the BAN Triangle. For example, if the market is in a strong uptrend, an ascending triangle may offer a higher probability of a bullish breakout. 5. Common Mistakes to Avoid Premature Breakouts: Sometimes, price may seem to break out but then quickly retrace. Be cautious of false breakouts. Ignoring Volume: Trading a breakout without confirming volume can lead to poor decision-making. Overreliance on One Pattern: Always use additional indicators and confirm your analysis with other chart patterns or technical signals to increase the likelihood of a successful trade. Conclusion The BAN Triangle Pattern is a valuable tool for traders looking for clear, defined price action within a consolidating market. As with any chart pattern, it's essential to use proper risk management and to confirm the breakout with other tools before making trading decisions. --- This update includes a clear explanation of the pattern, its formation, trading strategies, and common mistakes to avoid, making it a comprehensive and quality post.
2024/11/16 06:25
It seems like you're interested in an article about WORM or Deep Worm. To clarify, there are a coupl
It seems like you're interested in an article about WORM or Deep Worm. To clarify, there are a couple of possibilities here: 1. WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology: This refers to a type of data storage where data can only be written once, but read many times. It's often used for archival purposes where data integrity is critical, and you don't need to update the data frequently. 2. Deep Worm: This could refer to a type of cyberattack or malware, such as a "worm" that propagates deeply within networks, potentially exploiting vulnerabilities in an automated, self-replicating manner. A "deep worm" could also be a term in science fiction or some other specialized field, though that’s less common. If you meant one of these specific topics, I can provide a detailed explanation or summary of an article. Could you clarify which one you’re referring to, or if it's something else entirely?

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