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Prix de Ben the Dog

Prix de Ben the DogBENDOG

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Que pensez-vous de Ben the Dog aujourd'hui ?

Remarque : ces informations sont données à titre indicatif.

Prix de Ben the Dog aujourd'hui

Le prix en temps réel de Ben the Dog est de $0.01122 (BENDOG/USD) aujourd'hui, avec une capitalisation boursière de $11.22M USD. Le volume de trading sur 24 heures est de $4.74M USD. Le prix de BENDOG à USD est mis à jour en temps réel. La variation de Ben the Dog est de 7.40% durant les dernières 24 heures. Son offre en circulation est de 999,780,900 .

Quel est le prix le plus élevé de BENDOG ?

BENDOG a atteint un record historique (ATH) de $0.07529, enregistré le 2024-06-06.

Quel est le prix le plus bas de BENDOG ?

BENDOG a un plus bas niveau historique (ATL) de $0.004203, enregistré le 2024-05-01.
Calculer le profit pour Ben the Dog

Prédiction de prix de Ben the Dog

Quel sera le prix de BENDOG en 2025 ?

En se basant sur le modèle de prédiction des performances historiques de BENDOG, le prix de BENDOG devrait atteindre $0.01840 en 2025.

Quel sera le prix de BENDOG en 2030 ?

En 2030, BENDOG devrait voir son prix augmenter de +7.00%. D'ici la fin de l'année 2030, BENDOG devrait voir son prix atteindre $0.01991, avec un ROI cumulé de +79.47%.

Historique des prix de Ben the Dog (USD)

Le prix de Ben the Dog enregistre +24.50% sur un an. Le prix le plus élevé de BENDOG en USD au cours de l'année écoulée est de $0.07529 et le prix le plus bas de BENDOG en USD au cours de l'année écoulée est de $0.004203.
HeureVariation de prix (%)Variation de prix (%)Prix le plus basLe prix le plus bas de {0} au cours de la période correspondante.Prix le plus élevé Prix le plus élevé
Tous les temps-14.23%$0.004203(2024-05-01, il y a 210 jour(s) )$0.07529(2024-06-06, il y a 174 jour(s) )

Données de marché de Ben the Dog

Capitalisation boursière
Capitalisation boursière entièrement diluée
Volume (24h)
Classement du marché
Taux de circulation
Vol. (24h) / Cap. boursière
Offre en circulation
999,780,900 BENDOG
Offre totale / Offre maximale
999,994,577.83 BENDOG
Acheter des Ben the Dog maintenant

Notes Ben the Dog

Note moyenne de la communauté
103 notes
Ce contenu est uniquement destiné à des fins d'information.

À propos de Ben the Dog (BENDOG)

Qu'est-ce que Ben The Dog ?

Ben The Dog est un memecoin basé sur la blockchain Solana, conçu pour tirer parti du cachet culturel et de l'attrait ludique de son homonyme, un personnage populaire nommé Ben de l'application Talking Ben the Dog. Ce token s'inscrit dans la tendance plus large des cryptomonnaies basées sur les mèmes, qui tirent leur valeur et leur engagement de la culture Internet et de l'appréciation commune de certains thèmes ou personnages. Dans le cas de BENDOG, le personnage de Ben ne sert pas seulement de mascotte fantaisiste, il incarne également un moment important dans l'histoire du développement de Solana, reflétant les origines non conventionnelles et innovantes de la blockchain.

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Comment fonctionne Ben The Dog ?

La création de Ben The Dog remonte à un moment charnière en 2017, lorsque Anatoly Yakovenko, le fondateur de Solana, a demandé conseil au personnage virtuel Talking Ben the Dog au cours d'une phase critique du développement de la blockchain. Cette interaction non conventionnelle et la réponse positive de Ben ont incité M. Yakovenko à persévérer dans son projet, qui est finalement devenu une pierre angulaire du bull run des cryptomonnaies en 2024. Le token BENDOG résume cette histoire, en offrant un token qui sert non seulement de véhicule d'investissement au sein de l'écosystème Solana, mais qui commémore également une histoire unique de créativité surmontant le scepticisme. En intégrant cette histoire amusante, BENDOG trouve un écho auprès des investisseurs et des passionnés qui apprécient à la fois l'innovation et l'esprit de communauté dans l'espace crypto.

Qu'est-ce que le token BENDOG ?

BENDOG est le token principal du projet Ben The Dog. Plus qu'un simple memecoin, c'est une célébration de l'inattendu et un rappel que, parfois, les moments les plus légers peuvent précéder des percées significatives. BENDOG dispose d'une offre totale d'un milliard de tokens.

Qu'est-ce qui détermine le prix de Ben The Dog ?

Le prix de Ben The Dog, un memecoin notable basé sur la blockchain Solana, est influencé par une confluence de facteurs inhérents à la dynamique des environnements blockchain et Web3. La dynamique de l'offre et de la demande est essentielle, reflétant la disponibilité du token et l'intérêt de la communauté, tandis que les dernières nouvelles et les développements au sein de l'écosystème Solana peuvent provoquer des fluctuations significatives. Les investisseurs et les passionnés surveillent attentivement les tendances du token BENDOG, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse et les graphiques crypto pour prendre des décisions éclairées. Les prévisions de prix dépendent souvent de tendances plus générales en matière de cryptomonnaies, notamment la volatilité du marché, les changements réglementaires et le rythme d'adoption des cryptomonnaies. Alors que les investisseurs potentiels évaluent BENDOG comme un potentiel bon investissement crypto pour 2024 et les années à venir, des considérations telles que les derniers développements du Web3, la réglementation crypto et les risques inhérents aux tokens, y compris la volatilité du marché et les préoccupations en matière de sécurité, sont cruciales pour façonner la valorisation de Ben The Dog.

Si vous cherchez à investir ou à trader Ben The Dog, la question suivante se pose : où acheter BENDOG ? Vous pouvez acheter des BENDOG sur les principales plateformes d'échange telles que Bitget, qui offre sécurité et praticité aux amateurs de cryptomonnaies.

Articles liés à Ben The Dog

Ben The Dog (BENDOG) – Un clin d'œil fantaisiste à l'innovation

Comment acheter Ben the Dog(BENDOG)

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Quel est le prix actuel de Ben the Dog ?

Le prix en temps réel de Ben the Dog est $0.01 (BENDOG/USD) avec une capitalisation actuelle de $11,222,029.46 USD. La valeur de Ben the Dog connaît des fluctuations fréquentes en raison de l'activité continue, 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, du marché des cryptomonnaies. Le prix en temps réel de Ben the Dog et ses données historiques sont disponibles sur Bitget.

Quel est le volume de trading sur 24 heures de Ben the Dog ?

Au cours des dernières 24 heures, le volume de trading de Ben the Dog est de $4.74M.

Quel est le record historique de Ben the Dog ?

Le record historique de Ben the Dog est de $0.07529. Il s'agit du prix le plus élevé de Ben the Dog depuis son lancement.

Puis-je acheter Ben the Dog sur Bitget ?

Oui, l'achat de Ben the Dog est actuellement disponible sur la plateforme d'échange centralisée Bitget. Pour des instructions plus détaillées, pensez à consulter notre guide pratique Comment acheter Ben the Dog .

Puis-je gagner des revenus réguliers en investissant dans Ben the Dog ?

Bien entendu, Bitget fournit une plateforme de trading de stratégie, avec des bots de trading intelligents permettant d'automatiser vos trades et d'engranger des bénéfices.

Où puis-je acheter des Ben the Dog au meilleur prix ?

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que plateforme de trading de stratégie est désormais disponible sur la plateforme d'échange Bitget. Bitget offre les frais de trading les plus bas du secteur ainsi qu'une profondeur importante afin d'assurer des investissements rentables aux traders.

Où puis-je acheter Ben the Dog (BENDOG) ?

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Les investissements en cryptomonnaies, y compris l'achat de Ben the Dog en ligne sur Bitget, sont soumis au risque du marché. Bitget fournit des moyens faciles et pratiques pour vous d'acheter des Ben the Dog, et nous faisons de notre mieux pour informer pleinement nos utilisateurs sur chaque cryptomonnaie que nous offrons sur la plateforme d'échange. Toutefois, nous ne sommes pas responsables des résultats qui pourraient découler de votre achat de Ben the Dog. Cette page et toute information qui s'y trouve ne constituent pas une recommandation d'une quelconque cryptomonnaie.




1 BENDOG = 0.01122 USD
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Pages liées à BENDOG


Ben the Dog WebsiteBen the Dog WhitepaperBen the Dog TwitterBen the Dog Github

Bitget Insights

2024/11/18 07:56
  BTC 3.55% $67,465.56  ETH 2.44% $3,249.40  SOL 6.28% $181.53  PEPE 2.50% $0.00001
  BTC 3.55% $67,465.56  ETH 2.44% $3,249.40  SOL 6.28% $181.53  PEPE 2.50% $0.000011  SHIB 3.09% $0.000016  BNB 1.36% $577.82  DOGE 5.27% $0.13  XRP -3.47% $0.59  TG Casino powered by $TGC Cryptonews Altcoin News  From Dogecoin to Shiba Inu: The Wild Ride of Meme Coins and Investor Risks From Dogecoin to Shiba Inu: The Wild Ride of Meme Coins and Investor Risks  Ruholamin Haqshanas Last updated: June 10, 2024 at 12:10 GMT+1 | 5 min read   The crypto market has seen a surge in the popularity of meme coins, which are cryptocurrencies that often start as jokes or internet memes but rapidly gain value due to investor enthusiasm and social media buzz. These coins, which include notable examples like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, appeal to a unique blend of investors driven by Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the power of community engagement. This article delves into the factors fueling the rise of meme coins, their financial impact, and market dynamics. FOMO and Community Engagement The phenomenon of FOMO plays a significant role in the investment decisions of many individuals in the cryptocurrency market. Investors, seeing the rapid rise in the value of certain meme coins, are often driven by the fear of missing out on potentially substantial gains. This psychological trigger can lead to hurried and sometimes irrational investment decisions, where the fear of missing a lucrative opportunity outweighs the consideration of the risks involved.  Furthermore, meme coins thrive on the strength and enthusiasm of their communities. Platforms like Reddit and Twitter have become breeding grounds for meme coin movements, where communities rally around a particular coin, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. These platforms enable the rapid dissemination of information and hype, often leading to viral trends that significantly boost the visibility and value of these coins. Examples of successful meme coins that have gained traction due to community support include: Dogecoin (DOGE): Initially created as a joke, Dogecoin gained mainstream attention thanks to a passionate community and endorsements from high-profile figures like Elon Musk. Shiba Inu (SHIB): Branded as the “Dogecoin killer,” Shiba Inu saw a massive surge in popularity driven by a dedicated community and strategic marketing campaigns. Financial Impact and Risk The financial impact of meme coin investments can be profound, leading to substantial gains for some and significant losses for others. The speculative nature of these investments means that while some early adopters may see exponential returns, many investors who enter the market later may face considerable financial losses as the hype wanes. Notably, a considerable amount of money has been lost on meme coins, with some investors losing their entire investments due to the extreme volatility and lack of fundamental value. This is specifically true during market downturns, when meme coins can lose a large percentage of their value in a short period, leaving investors with heavy losses. Risks Associated with Meme Coin Investments Investing in meme coins carries inherent risks that potential investors must carefully consider. One of the most significant risks is volatility. Meme coins are notorious for their extreme price fluctuations, which can lead to rapid gains or steep losses within short periods. This volatility is often driven by social media hype and speculative trading, making the investment landscape highly unpredictable and perilous for those looking to make quick profits. Additionally, meme coins typically lack the fundamental value or utility that underpins more traditional assets. This absence of intrinsic value means that their price movements are highly speculative and reliant on market sentiment rather than tangible economic factors. Furthermore, the hype-driven nature of meme coins makes them particularly susceptible to market manipulation, including pump-and-dump schemes where the price is artificially inflated by coordinated buying, only to crash when those involved sell off their holdings. Market Dynamics and Performance The performance of meme coins can be measured by their market capitalization and trading volume. As of the latest data, the top meme coins by market capitalization are: Dogecoin (DOGE)  Shiba Inu (SHIB)  Pepe (PEPE)  dogwifhat (WIF)  FLOKI (FLOKI)  Bonk (BONK)  Memecoin (MEME)  Milady Meme Coin (LADYS)  Bone ShibaSwap (BONE)  Doge Killer (LEASH)  Several factors contribute to the success of these meme coins, including: Celebrity Endorsements: High-profile endorsements from celebrities and influencers can significantly boost a coin’s visibility and perceived legitimacy. Viral Marketing Campaigns: Effective use of social media and viral marketing tactics can create a buzz and attract new investors. Community Engagement: The strong and passionate communities behind meme coins play a crucial role in their success. Media Coverage: Positive media coverage can also contribute to the success of meme coins. News articles, blog posts, and reports highlighting the unique aspects, success stories, and potential of meme coins can attract new investors. Top Trending Meme Coin in Past 24 Hours Over the past 24 hours, the meme coin market has seen significant activity, with several coins capturing the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. Super Trump (STRUMP) has become the most trending meme coin over the past day on CoinMarketCap, courtesy of its connection with the controversial and polarizing figure of Donald Trump. Another trending meme coin over the past day is Pepe (PEPE), which continues to maintain its strong position in the meme coin market. Known for its iconic frog mascot derived from internet culture, PEPE has a dedicated community that drives its persistent trading volume. Furthermore, Ben the Dog (BENDOG) has gained traction recently, riding the wave of interest in dog-themed cryptocurrencies. The coin taps into the meme culture surrounding adorable and humorous canine characters, appealing to pet lovers and crypto enthusiasts alike. FLOKI (FLOKI) also remains a strong contender in the meme coin space. Named after Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, FLOKI has capitalized on the billionaire’s influence and frequent references to cryptocurrencies. Finally, Bonk (BONK) has emerged as a fast-growing meme coin, primarily driven by its strong community engagement and viral marketing strategies.
2024/11/17 15:51
  BTC 3.55% $67,465.56  ETH 2.44% $3,249.40  SOL 6.28% $181.53  PEPE 2.50% $0.00001
  BTC 3.55% $67,465.56  ETH 2.44% $3,249.40  SOL 6.28% $181.53  PEPE 2.50% $0.000011  SHIB 3.09% $0.000016  BNB 1.36% $577.82  DOGE 5.27% $0.13  XRP -3.47% $0.59  TG Casino powered by $TGC Cryptonews Altcoin News  From Dogecoin to Shiba Inu: The Wild Ride of Meme Coins and Investor Risks From Dogecoin to Shiba Inu: The Wild Ride of Meme Coins and Investor Risks  Ruholamin Haqshanas Last updated: June 10, 2024 at 12:10 GMT+1 | 5 min read   The crypto market has seen a surge in the popularity of meme coins, which are cryptocurrencies that often start as jokes or internet memes but rapidly gain value due to investor enthusiasm and social media buzz. These coins, which include notable examples like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, appeal to a unique blend of investors driven by Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the power of community engagement. This article delves into the factors fueling the rise of meme coins, their financial impact, and market dynamics. FOMO and Community Engagement The phenomenon of FOMO plays a significant role in the investment decisions of many individuals in the cryptocurrency market. Investors, seeing the rapid rise in the value of certain meme coins, are often driven by the fear of missing out on potentially substantial gains. This psychological trigger can lead to hurried and sometimes irrational investment decisions, where the fear of missing a lucrative opportunity outweighs the consideration of the risks involved.  Furthermore, meme coins thrive on the strength and enthusiasm of their communities. Platforms like Reddit and Twitter have become breeding grounds for meme coin movements, where communities rally around a particular coin, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. These platforms enable the rapid dissemination of information and hype, often leading to viral trends that significantly boost the visibility and value of these coins. Examples of successful meme coins that have gained traction due to community support include: Dogecoin (DOGE): Initially created as a joke, Dogecoin gained mainstream attention thanks to a passionate community and endorsements from high-profile figures like Elon Musk. Shiba Inu (SHIB): Branded as the “Dogecoin killer,” Shiba Inu saw a massive surge in popularity driven by a dedicated community and strategic marketing campaigns. Financial Impact and Risk The financial impact of meme coin investments can be profound, leading to substantial gains for some and significant losses for others. The speculative nature of these investments means that while some early adopters may see exponential returns, many investors who enter the market later may face considerable financial losses as the hype wanes. Notably, a considerable amount of money has been lost on meme coins, with some investors losing their entire investments due to the extreme volatility and lack of fundamental value. This is specifically true during market downturns, when meme coins can lose a large percentage of their value in a short period, leaving investors with heavy losses. Risks Associated with Meme Coin Investments Investing in meme coins carries inherent risks that potential investors must carefully consider. One of the most significant risks is volatility. Meme coins are notorious for their extreme price fluctuations, which can lead to rapid gains or steep losses within short periods. This volatility is often driven by social media hype and speculative trading, making the investment landscape highly unpredictable and perilous for those looking to make quick profits. Additionally, meme coins typically lack the fundamental value or utility that underpins more traditional assets. This absence of intrinsic value means that their price movements are highly speculative and reliant on market sentiment rather than tangible economic factors. Furthermore, the hype-driven nature of meme coins makes them particularly susceptible to market manipulation, including pump-and-dump schemes where the price is artificially inflated by coordinated buying, only to crash when those involved sell off their holdings. Market Dynamics and Performance The performance of meme coins can be measured by their market capitalization and trading volume. As of the latest data, the top meme coins by market capitalization are: Dogecoin (DOGE)  Shiba Inu (SHIB)  Pepe (PEPE)  dogwifhat (WIF)  FLOKI (FLOKI)  Bonk (BONK)  Memecoin (MEME)  Milady Meme Coin (LADYS)  Bone ShibaSwap (BONE)  Doge Killer (LEASH)  Several factors contribute to the success of these meme coins, including: Celebrity Endorsements: High-profile endorsements from celebrities and influencers can significantly boost a coin’s visibility and perceived legitimacy. Viral Marketing Campaigns: Effective use of social media and viral marketing tactics can create a buzz and attract new investors. Community Engagement: The strong and passionate communities behind meme coins play a crucial role in their success. Media Coverage: Positive media coverage can also contribute to the success of meme coins. News articles, blog posts, and reports highlighting the unique aspects, success stories, and potential of meme coins can attract new investors. Top Trending Meme Coin in Past 24 Hours Over the past 24 hours, the meme coin market has seen significant activity, with several coins capturing the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. Super Trump (STRUMP) has become the most trending meme coin over the past day on CoinMarketCap, courtesy of its connection with the controversial and polarizing figure of Donald Trump. Another trending meme coin over the past day is Pepe (PEPE), which continues to maintain its strong position in the meme coin market. Known for its iconic frog mascot derived from internet culture, PEPE has a dedicated community that drives its persistent trading volume. Furthermore, Ben the Dog (BENDOG) has gained traction recently, riding the wave of interest in dog-themed cryptocurrencies. The coin taps into the meme culture surrounding adorable and humorous canine characters, appealing to pet lovers and crypto enthusiasts alike. FLOKI (FLOKI) also remains a strong contender in the meme coin space. Named after Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, FLOKI has capitalized on the billionaire’s influence and frequent references to cryptocurrencies. Finally, Bonk (BONK) has emerged as a fast-growing meme coin, primarily driven by its strong community engagement and viral marketing strategies.
2024/10/12 21:25
Experiment is getting out of hand. Printing on ALL chains, here are a few of the #memes on different chains: #BSC $BABYBNB #Solana $MUMU $WAP $GIGA $LOAFCAT $MYRO $BENDOG #FANTOM $GOGLZ $THC @Aptos $EDOG $CAPTOS $GUI #TRON $SUNDOG $SUNCAT $MUNCAT $SUNWUONG #SUICHAIN $HIPPO $SUIDOG $SPLO $SCUBA $FUD $PLOP $BLUB $PUFF @base $NPC $BENJI $BRETT
2024/10/07 06:56
$BRETT is In the Buying Zong With $BENDOG Too Not Too Up You can Look for them And you know The rules DYOR. #Meme coins #NFA
2024/09/09 17:01
$BENDOG Bendog has confirmed its breakout and Retest in daily time frame and started moving as expected and successfully achieved 20% of its targets

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