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A participant in a blockchain network that interacts with other participants to uphold the security and integrity of the system.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

A cryptographic token that symbolizes a distinct digital or real-world asset and is not interchangeable.


A unique arbitrary string or number generated for verification purposes to prevent the replay of past transactions.

OCO Order

An OCO (One Cancels the Other) order enables the simultaneous placement of two orders. It merges a limit order with a stop-limit order, but only one of them can be executed.


Off-chain refers to the operations and transactions that take place outside the primary blockchain, often utilized to improve scalability.

Offline Signing Orchestrator (OSO)

A technology created by IBM to bolster the security of cryptocurrency and digital assets when they are stored in cold storage.

Offshore account

An account registered in a jurisdiction that differs from the holder's citizenship jurisdiction.


On-chain denotes transactions and activities that are directly recorded on the blockchain, ensuring data transparency, security, and immutability.


opBNB serves as a crucial layer-2 scaling solution, strategically relieving transaction processing and resource usage from the BNB Smart Chain.

Open-Source Software (OSS)

Software made available under a license that grants everyone the ability and right to freely use, modify, and distribute it.

Opportunity Cost

The value of the next best alternative that is forgone when a decision is made.


A third-party data source or feed utilized to determine outcomes for smart contracts.

ORC-20 Tokens

Tokens that operate on the Bitcoin blockchain and are encoded as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files embedded in satoshis with an ordinal serial number, similar to BRC-20 tokens.

Order Book

A digital record of all active buy and sell orders for a particular asset on an exchange or trading platform.


Similar to NFTs and can be created directly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Orphan Block

A block that is formed in older versions of Bitcoin Core when the parent block is unknown, as these versions did not require ancestry data.


PancakeSwap operates as a decentralized exchange (DEX) utilizing an automated market maker (AMM) model. It is accessible across several blockchain networks and offers a range of DeFi products and services.

Paper Wallet

A physical document containing a cryptocurrency address and its corresponding private key printed on paper.


A technique used to simultaneously process multiple transactions.

Passive Management

An investment approach that does not depend on active market exposure, instead, it aims to replicate the performance of an established economic index.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, two or more computers are connected and share workload or resources without depending on a centralized server.

Pegged Currency

A form of currency designed to maintain a fixed value in relation to a specified asset. For instance, 1 USDT may be pegged to 1 USD. This type of currency is also known as a stablecoin.

Permissionless Blockchain

Open networks that enable anyone to take part in the consensus process without requiring approval, permission, or authorization.


A type of malicious attack in which a bad actor tries to acquire a user's credentials in order to gain unauthorized access to their account.


An off-chain scaling solution for Ethereum that has the potential to significantly increase Ethereum's transaction processing capabilities.

Polkadot Crowdloan

The Polkadot Crowdloan involves staking Polkadot (DOT) tokens to back specific projects in the Polkadot Slot Auction, with participants having the opportunity to receive rewards from the projects in return.

Ponzi Scheme

Beware of Ponzi schemes, where new investors' money is used to pay returns to earlier investors. It's best to avoid investing in these schemes.

Price Action

Price action refers to the fluctuations in the price of a financial asset over a period of time. When plotted on a chart, traders can analyze it to identify potential trade opportunities.

Prisoner's Dilemma

A classic example demonstrating why two individuals may choose not to cooperate, even when it seems to be in their best interest.

Private Key

In the world of cryptocurrency, a private key is a long numerical code that enables users to sign transactions and create receiving addresses.

Private Sale

Strategic investors with a significant amount of funds participate in a private sale, which is an early stage investment round.

Progressive Web application (PWA)

An app built using modern web technologies and adhering to fundamental web standards.

Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP)

A protocol that generates digital badges or collectibles to commemorate and document event attendance.

Proof of Reserves (PoR)

A verification method that demonstrates an exchange holds sufficient funds to back users' assets.

Proof of Stake (PoS)

A consensus mechanism that incentivizes block validators based on the number of coins they have at risk.

Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA)

Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) combines Proof of Stake and Proof of Authority, strengthening blockchain security with its balanced validation system and equal staking mechanism.

Proof of Work (PoW)

A cryptocurrency consensus mechanism in which miners utilize specialized equipment to solve cryptographic puzzles, validating transactions and generating new blocks.

Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS)

An Ethereum concept designed to enhance scalability by assigning the tasks of block proposal and block building to different entities.


A temporary scalability solution intended to precede the introduction of danksharding, which represents the final phase of Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity).


Pseudorandom refers to the characteristic of a specific function being able to generate an outcome that successfully meets statistical tests for randomness.

Public Key

In the world of cryptocurrency, a public key serves as one part of a key pair utilized for encrypting messages or authenticating digital signatures. It essentially functions as your wallet address.


A deceptive tactic employed in the cryptocurrency realm, involving the artificial inflation of a digital asset's price followed by a sudden sell-off, resulting in a significant drop in the token's value.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing utilizes particles capable of superposition, representing qubits instead of traditional bits. These qubits can simultaneously hold the values of 1, 0, or both.

Race attack

A race attack occurs when two transactions are initiated simultaneously using the same funds, with the aim of double-spending those funds.


A form of malicious software that seizes control of your computer and demands payment of a ransom to prevent the destruction or exposure of files.

Real World Assets (RWAs)

Physical assets with inherent value, such as real estate, commodities, or art, that have been tokenized for use on the blockchain.


Economic Recession refers to a prolonged period of substantial decline in economic activity.

Recursive Inscription

A method of extracting data or information from current inscriptions to create new ones.


A slang term used to describe someone or something that has suffered complete destruction or catastrophic failure, and it is also a synonym for liquidated.

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

A technical indicator used to gauge market momentum and to spot overbought and oversold conditions.
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