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Avalanche (AVAX) and Litecoin (LTC) Lose Ground, But This Altcoin’s Proposed Burn Rate and Rewards Are Creating Major Buzz

CryptoNewsFlashCryptoNewsFlash2024/09/20 12:01
Oleh:By Alex Morrison

As the market finally starts to turn bullish, it’s time to look at those with potential and those that might be best left on the shelf. Avalanche (AVAX) is now in its second cycle and is still a long way off its 2021 all-time high (ATH). Litecoin (LTC) is another older crypto, actually in its fourth cycle now, that’s struggling to catch a bid.

Rollblock (RBLK) is the hot new altcoin in town and is tipped to disrupt the online gambling industry. However, it’s much more than a gambling token, as investors are flocking to it for its passive income and its buyback and burn mechanism guaranteed to drive scarcity.

Avalanche is no longer the hot new altcoin, and it shows 

Avalanche was the latest thing in the last cycle, gaining investor attention thanks to its fast and scalable technology. Rocketing out of the blocks after it launched, AVAX ran up almost 50x, peaking at $128, before the market crashed in late 2021.

However, Avalanche has since dropped over 80% since then. Many believe Avalanche is suffering from second cycle syndrome, where early excitement fades, and investors lose interest in what was once the hot new crypto.

Litecoin regularly makes new ATHs in each cycle

Litecoin is another that remains significantly down from its 2021 ATH, but there’s still hope for this long-standing altcoin. Historically, LTC has shown resilience, reaching new highs in each bull cycle, unlike most other altcoins.

Litecoin’s reputation as silver to Bitcoin’s gold makes it a reliable choice for investors, but LTC is losing ground to newer cryptos as investors look for bigger gains. That’s not to say Litecoin won’t make another ATH because it likely will.

Hot new altcoin Rollblock is setting the pace as passive income investors seize the moment

Rollblock is quickly becoming the hot new altcoin of this bull cycle as gamers and investors are attracted by its unique features. Built on a foundation of transparency and fairness, Rollblock combines the best of DeFi and online gambling, ensuring investors are able to get a stake in one of the most exciting platforms to hit the market in years.

Rollblock boasts everything you’d expect from a gambling platform, but because of its blockchain DNA, all transactions are transparent. That’s something you don’t usually connect with the gambling industry, but transparency and other key blockchain features make Rollblock the hottest crypto today.

Rollblock offers investors a way to earn a passive income, too. All token holders are rewarded with a share of the revenue generated by the platform, and if any token holders want to double down on their passive income, they can stake tokens and earn up to 30% APY.

What makes Rollblock even more attractive to investors, however, is its buyback and burn feature. A percentage of the casino’s profits is used to buy back RBLK tokens, some of which are burnt. This introduces a deflationary mechanism and guarantees the scarcity of RBLK, and this should ensure value appreciation over time.

Analysts are predicting major gains of over 100x for Rollblock. The presale is now in stage 6, and with the price up 170%, it’s clearly catching a bid. The mainnet will likely launch when the bull market is in full swing, and for any hot new altcoin, this typically means a trip to the moon.

Discover the exciting opportunities of the Rollblock (RBLK) presale today!




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